Men who struggle to get it up can now get Botox injections for their willies

MEN who struggle to get it up can now get Botox injections for their willies.

Scientists found the anti-wrinkle jabs help blokes stay stiff between the sheets.

The ‘Bocox’ treatment works by relaxing a vital muscle inside the penis, boosting blood flowGetty

Maybe you’re scared stiff of needles…Getty

But you’ll be ready for a booster in no timeGetty

They named the treatment “Bocox” and say it works by relaxing a vital muscle inside the penis, boosting blood flow.

It succeeded where Viagra had failed in some men as the blue pill is not always effective.

But a single dose of Bocox banished erectile dysfunction for six months in nearly half of patients, a study showed.

Dr Charles Runels, of the Cellular Medicine Association, said: “The procedure combines the best methods so that patients who receive Bocox enjoy the greatest chance of enjoying better sex and stronger relationships.”

Alabama-based Dr Runels said the procedure is safe and uses a similar amount of Botox to face injections loved by celebs like Simon Cowell.

A study by Cairo University found it gave recipients a “significant improvement” in the bedroom.

Forty per cent of the 121 men given the jab saw it cure their erectile dysfunction.

They went from being completely unable to have sex to regular lovemaking, and side effects were rare.

The study also found men who received the injections saw their member measure up to 1cm longer after six months.

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