Men who gain weight at critical age are more at risk of prostate cancer – here’s when you need to stay in shape

GAINING weight before you’re 30 increases your risk of prostate cancer, research shows.

Men who put on just 1kg a year from the ages of 17 to 29 had a 27 per cent higher chance of dying from the disease, Swedish researchers found.

AlamyMen who gain weight in their teens and 20s face a higher risk of prostate cancer, a study found (Pictured: Prostate cancer cells)[/caption]

Making sure you keep off the pounds in young adulthood could be “key” to avoiding the deadly illness, experts said.

Dr Marisa da Silva, of Lund University in Malmo, said: “Knowing more about the factors that cause prostate cancer is key to preventing it.

“The only well-established risk factors, such as increasing age, a family history of the disease and several genetic markers, are not modifiable.

“Preventing a steep increase in weight in young men is imperative for the prevention of prostate cancer.”

Prostate cancer is the most common type of tumour in British men, killing more than 12,000 a year.

The study, presented at the European Congress on Obesity in Dublin, tracked 258,477 men whose weight had been measured at least three times between the ages of 17 and 60.

They were all cancer-free when they enrolled from 1963 to 2014, and were followed up in 2019 to see if they developed the disease.

Some 23,348 were diagnosed with prostate cancer, with 4,790 dying.

Weight gain before 30 was associated with developing the disease and dying from it.

Researchers suggested a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1, which is higher in obese people, could be behind the increased risk.

Katharine Jenner, of Obesity Health Alliance, said:  “This new study shows the terrible impact that weight gain in early adulthood can have on men in later life.

“Research like this is key to preventing fatalities.

“Right now, like everyone else, young men are being bombarded 24/7 with a flood of junk food advertising & special offers at every turn.

“This Government must bring in planned restrictions on junk food advertising and promotions as a first step on the journey to making the healthy choice the easy choice for everyone.”

Simon Grieveson, of Prostate Cancer UK, said: “Maintaining a healthy weight can protect against many cancers.

“But it is important to remember that prostate cancer can affect men of all weights, shapes, and sizes.

“Men over 50, black men, and men with a family history are at highest risk of the disease and should speak to their doctor if they have concerns.”

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