Mayo Clinic Scrubs Page Admitting Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Used to Treat Covid-19

On Sunday, The Gateway Pundit reported the Mayo Clinic quietly made an admission on their site that states “Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients.”

Now less than 48 hours later, the Mayo Clinic has deleted their admission on their site and has replaced it with a statement that reads “Hydroxychloroquine is not recommended as a treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ”

The updated web page goes on to state “Also, hydroxychloroquine doesn’t prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.”

Here’s what the Mayo Clinic originally showed on its site:

Now here’s the update:

Per Town Hall:

The Mayo Clinic pulled information off its website this week after a former Trump official highlighted what it said about hydroxychloroquine’s use to treat COVID-19.

“From Mayo Clinic website grudging admission of glaring truth: ‘Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients,’” said Peter Navarro, former director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy on X. For those “who spread lies about hydroxy, this one’s for u.”

The information listed on the website at the time of his post was then picked up by others on social media.

One day after Mayo Clinic’s endorsement of Hydroxychloroquine was highlighted here, they scrubbed the page, deleted the URL and are forwarding to a “safe” page.

See for yourselves

Page as it is now:

And on Sept 25:

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 27, 2023

The post Mayo Clinic Scrubs Page Admitting Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Used to Treat Covid-19 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

