A PUBLIC relations expert has said that any club looking to sign Mason Greenwood could face losing millions due to fan backlash.
The 21-year-old striker may have to leave current club Manchester United despite allegations of rape and assault against him being dropped.
Any club looking to sign Mason Greenwood could face a significant backlash, according to a PR expertGetty
AFPThe star is currently waiting to hear if he will be sacked by Manchester United[/caption]
David Alexander, managing director of Calacus PR, told The Sun Online: “It’s impossible to put a figure on the impact of United choosing to retain Greenwood, if that is what they end up deciding to do.
“But with corporate partnerships being significant, the financial impact could easily run into millions.
“Fans in other countries in Europe can be even more vociferous in their opposition to players signing that they do not approve of.
“Clubs in lesser leagues do not have the broadcasting and sponsorship revenues that Premier League teams enjoy and could ill afford the risk of losing partners who do not want to see their logos emblazoned on a player with such a tarnished reputation.”
He pointed to a previous case in which Scottish side Raith Rovers saw board members and executive resign and their women’s team split off when they re-signed David Goodwillie last year.
Goodwillie had been ordered to pay damages in a rape case alongside a teammate in 2017.
Mr Alexander added: “In terms of Manchester United as well, what message does it send to fans, to young women in particular or to families if Greenwood is let back into the fold with question marks about his behaviour enduring?
“It will become a constant distraction, whenever his puts on the United jersey.
“Club sponsorship at the top end of the Premier League is big business and while some partners may not take action, it would send out a message that they do not care about vast swathes of their target audience who rightly believe violence or threatening behaviour towards women should not be tolerated in any form whatsoever.”
He concluded by saying that Greenwood may have to go “beyond Europe” to a country where “women’s rights are not as advanced” to re-launch his career.
It comes as the England international is rumoured to be lining up a major transfer to China, which could see him take a large pay cut due to the Chinese Super League’s salary cap on foreign players.
Meanwhile, a sports law expert said that the young star himself lost “millions” after being dropped by sponsors Nike over the accusations.
Greenwood is currently suspended by Manchester United, pending an internal investigation.
Charges of attempted rape, assault and coercive control against the star were dropped earlier this month after several key witnesses withdrew.
Despite the case against him collapsing, sources have said that his clubmates are not all in favour of having him back.
Likewise, furious female United fans have demanded that he never run out at Old Trafford again.
GettyDavid Alexander said his next club could lose ‘millions’ by signing him[/caption]
PACharges of attempted rape, assault and coercive control against him were dropped earlier this month[/caption] Read More