Mark Finchem Fires Back Against Arizona’s Fascist Attorney General’s Intimidation Tactic Over County’s Proposed Shift to Paper Ballots

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

Arizona’s Attorney General who stole her 2022 Election has been caught in a crime.

Attorney General Kris Mayes sent a letter to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors and threatened them with felony crimes if they moved forward with paper ballots in the state. This is a crime on the part of the AG – not the Board of Supervisors she’s targeting.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

The Mohave County Board of Supervisors in Arizona is scheduled to vote today on an agenda item to, “approve and direct the Mohave County Elections Department to carry out hand tabulation of ballots for the 2024 elections.”

The agenda item packet includes a letter from Kari Lake attorney Bryan Blehm vowing to defend the decision and cover all legal expenses, a letter from Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli, and a notification that the County has received “written commitment” covering the volunteers required to carry this out.

However, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, who stole her election by 280 votes, sent a letter to the Board yesterday, threatening prosecution, “for conducting an illegal hand count” and labeling people advising this hand count as, “bad-faith actors.”

Article 1 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution gives State Legislatures, not rogue Attorneys General, the power to decide the “Times, Places and Manner of holding elections.”

Kris Mayes is abusing her legal authority to place County Supervisors under duress and force a no-vote. This is election interference.

In a press release by Secretary of State candidate Mark Finchem, he shows that the AG’s actions were not just tyranny. They are “criminal.”

The thuggish abuse of office and overreach of authority by the Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes, is the substance of tyranny. Never before, as far as we can tell, has an Executive Branch officer, which is what the Attorney General is, threatened the elected representatives of the People with felony prosecution for doing their job. The Mohave County Board of Supervisors is a Legislative Branch office because they pass ordinances (laws) for civil conduct. The AG’s letter threatening to pursue criminal charges against elected officials engaged in due diligence, and in pursuit of compliance with a lawfully passed, Constitutionally based directive is by any measure an abuse of authority.

In a letter to the Mohave County Board of Supervisors, Mayes said if the board moves forward with a hand count, the state will “promptly sue and obtain a court order,” and added the court may hold board members who voted in favor liable for misconduct in the form of “various felony and misdemeanor criminal penalties,” and “subject them to personal liability for any public funds used for this illegal purpose.” This threat of personal injury by the AG is an illegal act. It is a criminal offense to threaten an elected body under color of authority. And, there is a claim for violation of the civil rights of the Supervisors and the People they represent under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.

“What are the Democrat Attorney General and Secretary of State so terrified of? Could it be that the machines do not accurately count votes? We will never know without a full hand count that is done side by side to eh machine count. This would have been the ideal opportunity for government to restore confidence in the elections process, but instead we have witnessed an epic failure,” Mr. Mark Finchem, CEO of the Election Fairness Institute.

Below is Finchem’s press release:

20231122 Press Release by Joe Ho

The post Mark Finchem Fires Back Against Arizona’s Fascist Attorney General’s Intimidation Tactic Over County’s Proposed Shift to Paper Ballots appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

