March Jobs Report Reveals One Big Problem with Biden’s Economy


Bidenomics: Screw Americans at all costs.

The March jobs report released this week reveals one huge problem with Biden’s economy: Most of the jobs went to foreign-born workers – including illegal aliens.

The media this week boasted about the March jobs report after nonfarm payrolls increased 300,000.

“Job creation in March easily topped expectations in a sign of continued acceleration for what has been a bustling and resilient labor market,” CNBC reported.

“Nonfarm payrolls increased 303,000 for the month, well above the Dow Jones estimate for a rise of 200,000 and higher than the downwardly revised 270,000 gain in February, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.” the outlet reported.

There’s one big problem: Native-born Americans are being frozen out of the workforce. Foreign-born workers – including illegals – got the majority of the March jobs.

Furthermore, the 300,000 nonfarm payrolls added in March are all part-time!

It’s all smoke and mirrors.

But who is getting these jobs? It’s not native-born Americans, but foreigner workers – the former lost 651k jobs over the last 12 months, while employment of foreigners rose by 1.3 million:

— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) April 6, 2024

The added jobs are all part-time.

The headline numbers once again look good w/ over 300k payrolls added and the employment number from the household survey rising even faster, but what kinds of jobs are being created? Turns out they’re all part-time:

— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) April 6, 2024

Many Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet.

People with multiple jobs are counted more than once in the nonfarm payrolls!

Number of people w/ multiple jobs jumped again in Mar but remember that this figure only increases when someone gets a 2nd job; if you’re already working 2 gigs and pick up a 3rd, you’re not counted again – at least not here; but you ARE counted again in the nonfarm payrolls…

— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) April 6, 2024

Native-born Americans have made no progress in 4 years! All the jobs are going to foreigners.

And again, this is the continuation of a trend where Americans have been completely left behind in this economy; foreign-born employment is not only several million above its pre-pandemic level but is even above its pre-pandemic trend, while native-born Americans have made no…

— E.J. Antoni, Ph.D. (@RealEJAntoni) April 6, 2024

As previously reported, per the Center for Immigration Studies: All employment growth has gone to the foreign-born. 183,000 fewer U.S.-born Americans are working than in 2019, before Covid. Yet, the number of immigrants (legal and illegal) working is up 2.9 million over 2019.

All employment growth has gone to the foreign-born. 183,000 fewer U.S.-born Americans are working than in 2019, before Covid. Yet, the number of immigrants (legal and illegal) working is up 2.9 million over 2019.

— Center for Immigration Studies (@CIS_org) February 13, 2024

Last year it was reported month after month that foreign-born workers were taking all the jobs while native born-Americans lost their jobs.

1.2 million native-born Americans lost their jobs in August.

771,000 foreign-born workers replaced them.

Millions of military-age males have invaded the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021.

Not only are the illegal aliens costing the US billions of dollars per year, they are taking jobs and given access to healthcare.

The post March Jobs Report Reveals One Big Problem with Biden’s Economy appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

