Major change means it’s easier to get weight loss ops on the NHS

HEALTH bosses have made it easier for people to get weight loss surgery, under new plans.

Until now, overweight Brits wanting gastric bypass surgery had to try losing weight themselves before being offered the procedure.

GettyHealth bosses have made it easier for people to get weight loss surgery[/caption]

But now people could be referred to weight-loss services by their GP without trying to shed any pounds at home or in the gym.

Patients with both a BMI over 40 and a weight-related condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure, could be fast-tracked to NHS weight-loss services.

Professor Alex Miras, an endocrinologist at Ulster University, told GP magazine Pulse, the change could mean patients proceed to surgery “much faster”.

The new draft guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) follows plans for weight-loss jabs to be handed out at GP surgeries.

Currently, the drug, known as Wegovy, is available only via weight loss services in hospitals.

According to recent Government figures, over a third (37 per cent) British adults are currently overweight, and a quarter are obese (25 per cent).

BMI between 25 and 30 is classified as ‘overweight’ and over 30 is ‘obese’ , the NHS says.

Those living with obesity are at increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancer and strokes.

Being overweight can also  affect your quality of life and contribute to mental health problems, such as depression, and can also affect self-esteem, the NHS says.

How to lose weight without surgery

There are various other ways to lose weight without going under the knife.

According to the NHS, to get the best possible start on its weight loss plan, there are the seven steps you should follow.

get active for 150 minutes a week – you can break this up into shorter sessions
aim to get your 5 A Day – 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables count as 1 portion
aim to lose 1 to 2lbs, or 0.5 to 1kg, a week
read food labels – products with more green colour coding than amber and red are often a healthier option
swap sugary drinks for water – if you do not like the taste, add slices of lemon or lime for flavour
cut down on food that’s high in sugar and fat – start by swapping sugary cereal for wholegrain alternatives
share your weight loss plan with someone you trust – they can help motivate you when you have a bad day

What is gastric bypass surgery and how does it work?

Gastric bypass surgery is one of the most common weight loss procedures in the world.

It’s often performed on those for who other forms of weight loss, such as diet and exercise, have not worked.

It is available on the NHS for people who have a BMI of more than 40, or for those with a BMI of more than 35 who also have a serious weight-related health condition.

During the procedure staples are used to create a small pouch at the top of the stomach.

The pouch is then connected to your small intestine, missing out (bypassing) the rest of the stomach.

This means it takes less food to make you feel full and you’ll absorb fewer calories from the food you eat.

Patients must stick to a strict diet and exercise plan after the operation.

Many people find that they are left with lose folds of skin after they lose weight which can require further surgery to correct.

Gastric bypass surgery also comes with many potentially fatal risks, including internal bleeding and blood clots, according to the NHS.

One in 500 gastric bypass surgery patients die shortly after surgery.

Up to 7,000 Britons have bariatric surgery – the collective term for gastric band and other weight-loss operations – every year.

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