Love Island star, PTs and curve models share 15 ways to boost body confidence right now

ALTHOUGH we try, it’s not always easy to love yourself or your body.

“Perfect” figures are everywhere – on social media, telly and ad campaigns – meaning it’s far too easy to make comparisons and pick at our so-called “flaws”.

Although we try, it’s not always easy to love yourself or your body

No wonder the Women And Equalities Committee found that six in 10 British women feel negatively about their bodies.

But while it’s normal to have days where you feel less than your best, learning how to overcome these thoughts is important.

After all, we’ve only got one body, and according to research, the way we feel about our appearance and weight has a major effect on how satisfied we are with life overall – no matter what our fitness and weight-loss goals might be.*

Need some tips on improving your body-confidence? We asked some of the most inspiring health and fitness influencers what they do to help switch their mindset for the better…

1. Challenge Yourself

Talilla Henchoz says she signs up to a challenge when she wants to feel good about her body

“Instead of training and checking how I look in the mirror, I sign up to a challenge, like Tough Mudder or a half-marathon,” says Talilla Henchoz (@Talillahenchoz), founder of online health and fitness club Club Five.

“The moment we focus on what our bodies can do, we feel such a sense of achievement.”

Couch to 5K is a great start, or sign up to Conquer 2023 Virtual Challenge, where you set a distance to hit by the end of the year via any exercise you fancy. Reach it and you’ll get a medal. 

2. Make Bold Clothing Decisions

Lauren White suggests wearing something that scares you, like a catsuit

“Wear something bright: your outfit choice can determine your mood,” says motivational speaker and transformation mentor Lauren White (@Iamlaurenwhite).

“You could even wear something that scares you, like a catsuit. Life is about exposure therapy – putting yourself outside your comfort zone.”

Try renting an outfit you wouldn’t normally pick. Hurr is great for hiring designer looks without spending a fortune. 

3. Follow The Mums 

“I look at my favourite mum accounts and scroll through their feeds,” says Talilla.

“It gives context to the fact we are not on this planet to have bodies that never change and are there just to be looked at.

Our bodies are designed to go through so much – which is incredible!” We’re big fans of seeing what Giovanna Fletcher and Stacey Solomon are up to.

4. Become Super-Strong

Coco Lodge says weight training helped her to beat an eating disorder

“I love weight training and I’m strong. How can I hate a body that can run for miles and squat more than I weigh?” says former Love Island contestant Coco Lodge (@Coco_lodge).

“I started training when I was 18. I had an eating disorder at the time and my parents hired a personal trainer to help me gain weight safely and recover.

“He changed my mindset from being ‘skinny’ to focused on being strong and fit.”

Not sure where to start? Download the Fitbod app for easy weights sessions tailored to your ability. 

5. Strike A Power Pose

Danielle Baron says power posing helps boost confidence

“Power posing is a self-improvement technique in which people put themselves in a posture that they mentally associate with being powerful in order to feel more confident,” says Danielle Baron (@Danielle_baron_educoaching), Ms Great Britain 2023 finalist, coach and therapist.

Try the Superman pose: stand upright with your hands on your hips, chin and chest held high. Hold for three minutes and feel the power!

6. Compliment Yourself

Sophia Brad says we should all pay ourselves more compliments

“When getting dressed, give yourself compliments you would say to your best friend, like: ‘You look lovely,’ ‘You got this,’ or ‘Have a nice day,’” says Sophia Brad (@Sophiabrad), make-up artist and curve model.

“Truly happy people have worked on loving themselves and being their own best friend.”

7. Find Your Anthem 

“Choose a track that’s your go-to confidence song. I love The Champion by Carrie Underwood,” says Danielle.

“It’s full of positive affirmations that boost my confidence.” Other fab anthems include Jessie J’s Queen and Lizzo’s Good As Hell.

8. Stick A Mantra On The Mirror

Sophie Hughes says writing a message on her mirror can redirect negative thoughts

“Writing a positive message on a Post-It stuck on the mirror, like: ‘I am worthy of love,’ or ‘My body deserves my kindness,’ can be a way of redirecting negative thoughts,” says curve model and body-positive advocate Sophie Hughes (@Sophwithlove).

“A photo of you as a child can also be helpful, as it reminds us that the child inside does not deserve our cruelty.”

9. Prioritise Self-Care

“Do something loving for yourself,” says Danielle. “This may be a face mask or cooking yourself a nourishing meal.”

We’d also recommend a five-minute disco, sitting down to read Fabulous or taking your cuppa outside to dose up on some vitamin D.

10. Put Pen To Paper 

“Writing your body a letter of apology can be a really powerful ritual,” says Sophie.

“You’d never speak to your best friend in the way you speak to yourself.

“Writing yourself a letter is about apologising for the ways in which you’ve treated your body, and committing to her that you will treat her with kindness in future.”

11. Be Gentle

Laura Hoggin suggests biweekly intense workouts

“Not every workout needs to be sweat-dripping – I only do those once or twice a week,” says Laura Hoggins (@Laurabiceps), PT and founder of Team Lifted training app.

“It’s great to vary your training intensity and do some steady-state aerobic exercise, like a gentle spin on a bike.”

Plus, you’ll be working your heart and lungs, and releasing stress

12. Squash Negative Thoughts

Beth Robinson says it’s important to squash negative thoughts

“I’ve noticed clients will call their body ‘disgusting’, which is heartbreaking,” says Beth Robinson (@Sportybethcf), a mental and physical health advocate.

“If you heard someone bullying a small child about their body, what would you say? That’s what we can say to ourselves.” Try telling yourself: ‘That’s not kind.’

13. Know Your Body

Tayla says diet trends might not leave you feeling god

“It’s easy to be dragged into the latest diet trend that likely won’t make you feel good,” says Commonwealth Games weightlifter Tayla Howe (@Taylakalisehowe).

“Learn what food agrees with you and what gives you energy, plus don’t wholly restrict yourself from anything.”

Lean protein and fibre will fuel you and help to avoid a sugar crash in the afternoon. 

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