Lawless FBI Director James Comey on Donald Trump: “I Think He Poses a Near Existential Threat to the Rule of Law” (VIDEO)

In June 2020 TGP broke the story that the Primary Sub-Source (PSS) for the Steele dossier was Igor Danchenko – the individual behind most of the made up lies in the Steele dossier.

In May 2022, the country learned that it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that was behind the entire Trump-Russia collusion hoax.  We know this because her former campaign manager Robbie Mook said so under oath during the Sussman trial.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a lie.  The Democrats and media knew it was a lie.  We now know that the Hillary Clinton Campaign was behind the entire narrative.  Democrats used this in their attempted coup of the sitting president.  They jailed and bankrupted innocent men in their coup attempt.

It was all a lie and Hillary hatched the lie and then later promoted the lie.

James Comey knew this all along and yet pushed an intelligence investigation against candidate and president-elect Trump and President Trump knowing the entire investigation was based on lies concocted by the Hillary Campaign.

Trump fired the lawless FBI Director in 2017.  Unfortunately, the dirtbag who followed him is even worse than his predecessor.

On Tuesday morning disgraced FBI Director James Comey joined MSNBC and had the gall to accuse President Trump of being a threat to America. This man is devoid of a conscience.

James Comey: “I think he poses a near existential threat to the rule of law. He will do everything he can in a new term to try to tear down the institutions that he sees as threats and dismantle them and the people who occupy them.”

Via The Storm Is Rising and Ultra Pepe Lives Matter.

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