THE key to great sex is a good night’s sleep.
Scientists found men who struggle with insomnia were 58 per cent more likely to suffer erectile dysfunction.
The trick to having great sex is to be well rested
And that applied to those receiving treatment for sleeplessness as well as those who weren’t.
Researchers believe sleep disruption affects the system producing hormones, including testosterone.
The US and Italian teams tracked 1.1million men, half of whom had insomnia.
Of those, 356,575 had treatment like benzodiazepines — a type of sleep drug.
After accounting for factors like smoking, drinking and illnesses that can impact the chance of erectile dysfunction, analysis showed men with insomnia were more at risk.
Dr Federico Belladelli, of Stanford University, told journal European Urology Focus: “Men with pharmacological insomnia treatments were more often prescribed treatments for ED (erectile dysfunction).
These results suggest that insomnia treatment may exacerbate ED and require more treatment.”
More than half of men aged 40 to 70 suffer ED.
It can be a symptom of underlying conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.