Joe Biden Fondles and Sniffs Another Little Girl in Mississippi (VIDEO)

Once again, The Gateway Pundit is reporting the news the mainstream completely ignores.

Joe Biden traveled to Mississippi on Friday to visit the tornado-hit area. Biden read the names of 13 individuals in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, who were killed in a recent spring tornado.

Then Joe bee-lined over to a little girl standing in the crowd. Joe grabbed her hand. Then he played with the top button on her shirt. Finally, he leaned in for the sniff.

Democrats believe this is completely normal.

This man is so sick. And the media is so evil to let him continually fondle children at event after event.

Via Midnight Rider and The Lee Show.

The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on this disturbing behavior for years now.

SHOCKING NEW VIDEO Reveals Joe Biden’s Groping, Grooming and Dangerous Predatory Behavior with Children, Women and Young Boys

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