Jill Biden Wears Lime Green Trash Bag to White House Correspondents’ Dinner (VIDEO)

Joe and Jill Biden arrived at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner Saturday evening.

The dinner is being held at the Washington Hilton

Far-left climate zealots gathered outside of the hotel and protested Joe Biden’s approval of new oil and gas projects.

The protesters blocked government SUVs from entering the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

BREAKING: Our blockade is working!!!

We just turned away a government SUV from entering the White House Correspondents Dinner hotel in DC.

Business as usual + Biden’s approval of massive new oil + gas projects is killing the planet. The solution is simple — #EndFossilFuels. pic.twitter.com/4SqIlchHCG

— Climate Defiance (@ClimateDefiance) April 29, 2023

Joe Biden looked like a lost toddler as he walked out on stage.

Jill Biden wore a garish lime green trash bag to the dinner.


President Biden arrives at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

Watch on C-SPAN https://t.co/U8Svz4LkS7 #WHCD #NerdProm pic.twitter.com/zCJKwYn6YF

— CSPAN (@cspan) April 30, 2023

The post Jill Biden Wears Lime Green Trash Bag to White House Correspondents’ Dinner (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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