Biden Family Crime #5: Possession of Crack Cocaine
Friday, July 14, 2023: 556 Days Left in Biden Presidency and Still No Serious Criminal Indictments.
21 USC § 844(a), CA PC § 11350: Penalties for Possession [Crack Cocaine]
Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.
Marco Polo, a 501(c)3 organization, has produced a 641-page full-color book entitled “Report on the Biden Laptop” that can be read in its entirety here and downloaded free as a .pdf file here. Every weekday, TGF plans to detail the Marco Polo allegations of Biden Family crimes as graphically portrayed (with reference to the page numbers in the Marco Polo “Report on the Biden Laptop.”In their published report, Marco Polo details their evidence for what Marco Polo claims are 459 Biden family crimes. TGP will not publish the sexually explicit photographs from the Hunter Biden laptop that can be seen independently in the Marco Polo report. TGP’s goal is to draw the attention of readers to reporting done by Marco Polo. Nothing Marco Polo reported chronicling of Biden family alleged crimes has been altered by TGP. Our goal is to drive readers to download and read the Marco Polo report for themselves to make their own independent judgments.
When: April 13, 2018
Accomplices: Unidentified Male
Source: Marco Polo, Report on the Biden Laptop, op.cit., p. 412-413
Hunter smoked crack cocaine with an unidentified male in the closet—colloquially known as “hotboxing”—of his bungalow at the Chateau Marmont Hotel (Hunter was eventually banned). Hotboxing is the practice of filling a small room or space with smoke from something, especially an illegal drug, in order to be able to breathe it in. The pair used a flashlight to enhance the appearance of the smoke which emanated from the crack pipe.
The Washington Examiner reported in 2021 that the Sunset Boulevard hotel is home to Academy Awards after-parties and has been a favorite of stars from actors 1403 Jean Harlow to Elizabeth Taylor to Leonardo DiCaprio. But Chateau Marmont also has a dark side: Actor John Belushi died there from a heroin overdose in 1982. The newspaper also reported that Hunter Biden “was banned from the legendary celebrity hangout Chateau Marmont because of ‘drug use,’ and the then-soon-to-be first son had to send someone to retrieve his personal belongings still on the property, according to texts.
Hunter was still at the Chateau Marmont almost two weeks later and, over a period of four days, he used his iPhone to take a series of photos memorializing his 15+ grams of crack cocaine. In fact, Hunter verified the crack’s precise weight using an “Infyniti Cheech and Chong G-Force” scale [“Cheech and Chong G-Force, Licensed Digital Pocket Scale.”]
Consider this quote from Joe Levine, in an article entitled “Joe Biden’s family racks up arrests for drugs, drunk driving—but no jail time,” published in the New York Post on July 11, 2020:
Biden’s son Hunter’s long history of drug abuse began in 1988 with an arrest for drug possession — at around the same time his father was intensifying his War on Drugs bonafides and pushing for stiffer sentences for drug users. “I was cited for possession of a controlled substance in Stone Harbor, NJ. There was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged, he admitted in a disclosure after being nominated to serve on the Amtrak Reform Board in 2006.
The New York Post article continued.
The same year Hunter was arrested, Sen. Biden voted for the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, which specifically targeted the use of crack cocaine, making it the only narcotic with a mandatory penalty for possession. Since then, however, the Post reported that Hunter Biden was suspected of smoking the rock in 2018 by staffers at Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, D.C. He’s been in rehab at least six times for drugs and alcohol, and by his own admission spent four years addicted to crack. He is not known to have ever spent a day in jail.”
TGP wants to know what, if anything, the Biden administration has done to investigate the Marco Polo allegations of Biden Family Crime #2 as reported by Marco Polo. TGP suspects the Biden administration is engaged in a continuing coverup, reflecting a. political bias aimed at excusing Democrats while seeking to imprison Republicans in politically motivated FBI criminal investigations and DOJ criminal indictments.
[Note: Time stamps on Biden laptop downloads may reflect the time Marco Polo downloaded the raw file, not the date the raw file was created.]Since 2004, Jerome R. Corsi has published over 30 books on economics, history, and politics, including two #1 New York Times bestsellers. In 1972, he received his Ph.D. from the Department of Government at Harvard University. His book, Volume I, in his Great Awakening Trilogy, The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change: Exposing Climate Lies in an Age of Disinformation, received highly positive reviews from prominent climate scientists. Volume II, The Truth About Neo-Marxism, Cultural Maoism, and Anarchy: Exposing Woke Insanity in an Age of Disinformation, is scheduled for publication on November 14, 2023. Dr. Corsi has resumed podcasting on his new website, which is now on the Internet in its first development phase.
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