Jeff Stelling leads epic football march in tribute to fellow broadcaster

PROSTATE cancer kills one man every 45 minutes – that’s two every game. Those stats are unacceptable,” says former Sky Sports presenter Jeff Stelling.

There’ll be plenty of walking – 26 miles of it – and plenty of talking and banter when the former Soccer Saturday presenter and over 360 football fans march all the way from Wembley to Wycombe.

Jeff and fellow football fans are marching to fight prostate cancer

Bill was a legendary broadcaster and most importantly a superb human being. But his life was cruelly cut short by prostate cancer.

On Sunday 17 September 2023 @JeffStelling and hundreds of football supporters will march from Wembley to Wycombe Wanderers in honour of former BBC…

— Prostate Cancer UK (@ProstateUK) September 7, 2023

There might also be a few blisters and a weary shandy, or two, at the finish – all for a great cause, of course.

They’re raising money for Prostate Cancer UK, the leading health charity helping people navigate the most common cancer in men.

It’s the cancer that robbed us of much-loved BBC Breakfast presenter Bill Turnbull a year ago and which takes the lives of over 12,000 men across the UK every single year.

On Sunday, September 17, Bill will be on everyone’s minds on what promises to be an uplifting yet poignant day.

Jeff and the team are marching to fund lifesaving research to help diagnose men sooner and improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer.

They are hoping to raise over £250,000 but they need your support to get them there. You can sponsor Jeff today on JustGiving.

On top of that, Jeff and the crew want to ask everyone – yes, that’s YOU, reading this – to think about prostate cancer.

You can check your risk for prostate cancer by clicking here.

It’s anonymous, takes half a minute, and it could save your life.

As a fellow broadcaster and passionate Prostate Cancer UK ambassador, Jeff specially selected this marathon route in honour of Bill, walking from the home of football in England, Wembley Stadium, to Bill’s club, Wycombe Wanderers.

Bill was a massive fan of “The Chairboys” and would be thrilled to see so many people descending on his beloved League One club in his honour, raising vital funds and much needed awareness.

Bill’s wife Sesi says: “The whole family is delighted that Jeff has chosen to finish his marathon walk at Bill’s club, Wycombe Wanderers.

“Bill’s years spent supporting the Chairboys gave him great happiness. It is such a special club, and it was like a family to him as he faced up to prostate cancer.

“I know that the love and support from the management, players, staff, the Couhig family and fans at Adams Park held us all up in some tough times.

“All of us in the family are so grateful to Jeff for paying tribute to our beloved Bill by taking on another epic marathon march this year for Prostate Cancer UK.

“Bill knew Jeff from early in their broadcasting careers, and they shared a love of smaller football clubs with great spirit.

“We all miss Bill so much. It meant a great deal to Bill that he had helped others get treatment for prostate cancer by sharing his story.”

Jeff with Alan Cecil, a director of the Wycombe Wanderers Trust

For Jeff, the walk from Wembley Stadium to Wycombe’s Adams Park ground will be his 34th march for Prostate Cancer UK – helping raise over £1.5million to date.

He explains why it means so much to him: “Bill was a legendary broadcaster and most importantly a superb human being. But his life was cruelly cut short by prostate cancer.

“Sadly for Bill, he was diagnosed too late. Bill’s support, not just for Prostate Cancer UK, but for everyone affected by this awful disease, was incredible.

“Those people he touched with his story, and those lives he saved by going public, that’s the legacy he leaves.

“Walking to Wycombe in honour of him is the perfect way to continue his legacy, and for those other men so cruelly lost to this disease.”

Jeff admits they both embraced the true underdog spirit in the teams they so passionately follow: “Me with Hartlepool United and Bill with Wycombe Wanderers.

“We’ve never been to Wycombe, so I’m looking forward to finishing at one of the most welcoming grounds in the country.”

The UK’s leading independent cancer care provider is sponsoring the march. With 14 specialist cancer care centres in the UK, GenesisCare know an early diagnosis is vital for more treatment outcomes.

They want to encourage men to take charge of their health today, for a healthier tomorrow.

Sponsor Jeff and help save men’s lives today

Jeff and former Sky Sports colleague Chris Kamara in training

Super Stelling – Jeff’s achievements for Prostate Cancer UK

•  1,500 hours wearing Prostate Cancer UK’s Man of Men badge on TV

•  890 miles walked

•  Over 100 football clubs visited

•  34 marathons completed

•  £1.5 million and counting raised to save men’s lives

You’re at greater risk of prostate cancer if:

•  you’re over 50 (45 if you’re black)

• black men are at double the risk. One in eight men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime, but for black men this figure is one in four

•  you have a family history of prostate cancer

Chris, Jeff and former footballer and manager Paul Jewell

“Why I’m walking for Bill”

Director of the Wycombe Wanderers Trust, Alan Cecil, was diagnosed with prostate cancer following a visit to the doctor about something else. He admits it’s changed his philosophy on life.

“I was diagnosed just over a year after Bill, and my treatment was completed before he passed away,” says Alan.

“Seeing Bill speak out about his diagnosis gave me the confidence to do the same.”

Bill speaking openly about the importance of getting that early diagnosis encouraged Alan to do likewise.

He said: “I realised there was no shame or stigma attached and by me raising awareness of the need for early testing, other men could hopefully be as lucky as me.”

As director of the Wycombe Wanderers Trust, Alan held a Buy a Badge for Bill day during a Wycombe Wanderers’ match the day after Bill’s death last August, which raised £2,100.

It is Alan’s belief in Bill’s legacy and fondness for him as a fellow Chairboy with prostate cancer, that inspired him to sign up for the epic 26-mile challenge when he met Jeff Stelling at Adams Park. Bill would definitely approve.

Sponsor sensational Stelling

Jeff Stelling’s 26-mile Football March for Prostate Cancer UK takes place on Sunday, September 17. Everyone joining Jeff will be raising money to help fund lifesaving research into better tests and treatments to prolong men’s lives. Sponsor Jeff here, and help save men’s lives

Prostate cancer: Know YOUR risk

Prostate cancer is THE most common cancer in men.

We know the prostate might not be something you want to chat about with the family, or over a pint with mates, but raising awareness of prostate cancer can save thousands of lives – so it’s time to talk!

One in eight men will get prostate cancer and this risk doubles for black men.

Each year, 52,000 men (and trans women) are diagnosed, and sadly over 12,000 lose their lives to the condition.

That’s one man every 45 minutes – a dad, brother, partner or best mate every half a football match.

But the good news is prostate cancer can be cured if caught early.

It’s important to know early stage prostate cancer often has no symptoms, so it is vital that men at risk – that’s those over 50, or 45 if you are black or have a family history of the disease – chat to their GP about their own risk and what they can do about it.

