J6 Defendant Isaac Thomas Remains FREE for Independence Day – Prayers Answered Through The Gateway Pundit

Isaac Thomas enjoys lunch at Ollie’s Trolley after his hearing in DC

After a 10 AM bond hearing before DC District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, January 6 Defendant Isaac Thomas remains free.

But just two days before traveling to DC from his home in Michigan, 21-year-old J6 Defendant Isaac Thomas was stressed.

A court order to come to Washington, DC is rarely good news for January 6 Defendants.

As reported Friday in The Gateway Pundit, the Department of Justice was pulling out all the stops and going full petty — hell-bent on throwing Isaac in jail before trial.

***CONTRIBUTE to J6 Legal Efforts HERE***

“We’ve been a little bit everywhere trying to prepare,” Isaac told me, “I didn’t even have any of the funding because the little bit of money we raised so far is supposed to be only for attorneys.”

By Saturday afternoon, however, many prayers were answered, and Isaac’s situation improved — thanks to the generosity of The Gateway Pundit readers.

According to TMI Correspondent Mel Hawley, the hearing was mostly uneventful.

US Attorneys brought up their reasons for demanding Thomas’ bond be revoked, but Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly wasn’t buying it.

The Judge said his medical marijuana card needs to be validated by pretrial services, and plans were put in place to provide adequate counseling services through Genesee Health System in Flynt, Michigan.   

Additionally, Judge Kollar-Kotelly encouraged Thomas to not get any further traffic citations.

“You’re a smart young man,” Judge Kollar-Kotelly told him, “I’m sure you can get it together.”

***SUPPORT Honest Coverage of J6 Hearings HERE***

Thomas’ next hearing is scheduled for late August but for the many advocates who prayed for his freedom, today’s hearing was a welcome development.

Attorney John Pierce provided this statement through text:

“We are extremely pleased with the outcome of today’s hearing. I believe the Court understands that Isaac is a young man who is doing his very best to comply with his pre-trial release conditions and will continue to do so. Isaac has been through a tremendous amount in his life. He loves his country, and he looks forward to his day in Court to clear his name of these charges. We look forward to taking this case to a jury trial and obtaining a full acquittal so that Isaac can move on with his life. He is a gifted young man who has dedicated himself to a life of service to others who suffer as he has. Isaac has an unlimited amount to give to his community. He is thrilled to be able to enjoy Independence Day as a free American in the nation’s capital as we continue to work on his defense.”

CondemnedUSA.org Founder Treniss Evans was relieved at the news.

Isaac is a free man! His hearing today went well- his bond was not revoked. And he is going to be enjoying his 4th of July as a free man.

Your donations enabled us to get him to his court hearing, in front of the judge, back home safely in one piece.…

— Treniss Evans (@CondemnedUSA) July 3, 2023

“I’m glad to see a judge who’s willing to listen to reason and reign in some of the insanity from the Department of Justice,” Evans explains, “It’s good to see there’s at least some semblance of the wisdom left for us to put faith in.”

***Donate to Isaac’s Legal Fund HERE***

It’s been difficult, but Isaac Thomas is thankful for all the support.

“Since I got emancipated and involved in politics, I’ve ran for county commissioner and stuff, so I have quite a bit of local support down here, as well as a lot of good people that I talk with on a regular basis,” Thomas explains, “People like Treniss and Mel Hawley, David Sumrall, people like that who have been a huge support for me as well.”

As the process moves forward, Isaac Thomas is thankful he’s free.

“It couldn’t be a better gift,” he explains in a post-hearing interview, “To be able to go see ‘Sound of Freedom’ tomorrow, here in our nation’s capital.”

“It’s awesome to be able to go and see that on Independence Day.”

***DONATE to ongoing legal advocacy in Isaac’s case HERE***
***WATCH Isaac’s post-hearing interview with TMI Correspondent Mel Hawley HERE***

First customer of the day at Ollie’s Trolley! Isaac Thomas survived his hearing in the Honorable Colleen Kollar-Kotelly’s courtroom. The government unsuccessfully attempted to revoke bond.#J6 pic.twitter.com/zIcKN0Taar

— Mel Hawley (@SovSoulMel) July 3, 2023

The post J6 Defendant Isaac Thomas Remains FREE for Independence Day – Prayers Answered Through The Gateway Pundit appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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