“It’s a Settlement That Never Should Have Happened…Something Else Had to Have Been Involved.” – Harvard Professor and Attorney Dershowitz on FOX Settlement with Dominion

The likelihood of FOX News winning a case with Dominion was better than 50% says Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz. 

Attorney and Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz was on Lindell TV last night with Brandon House to discuss the FOX News and Dominion settlement that was announced this week.

FOX News agreed to pay Dominion Voting Machines $787 million in a settlement.  This astronomical amount was shocking to all who read about it.

Dershowitz shared that the most shocking thing about this settlement is “that it happened”

It’s a settlement that should never have happened.  Dominion wasn’t hurt.  It really didn’t lose any money…  It’s probably making more in its lawsuits than counting votes.   And it would have been very hard for them to prove any damages.

Also, the judge made errror, after error, after error.  For example, he made a ‘finding’, a finding that the election was fair.  40 million Americans disagree with him.  That should have been left up to a jury not to him…

…And so the judgement itself to make a deal was not based on cost-benefit financial analysis.  Something else had to have been involved.  Maybe FOX was afraid of disclosure of even more dirty laundry.

Dershowitz says the judge basically said he believe’s CNN over FOX and that’s not the job of the judge.

See more below: 

Joe Hoft shared a number of issues from his article this past week at TGP after Dershowitz was on.  These questions are consistent with what Dershowitz shared.

HUGE: FOX News Filing Shows DOMINION Voting Systems Executives Including Eric Coomer Knew Its Voting Systems Had Major Security Issues, Was Hacked, and Was “Riddled with Bugs”

These questions in the above article and a video segment of election expert on electronic voting machines were discussed with House.

The post “It’s a Settlement That Never Should Have Happened…Something Else Had to Have Been Involved.” – Harvard Professor and Attorney Dershowitz on FOX Settlement with Dominion appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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