IS ANYONE NOTICING A PATTERN? UNPAID Conservative GOP Activist Scott Presler Runs Circles Around OVERPAID RNC Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel AGAIN… This Time In Critical WI Supreme Court Election

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Last night, Janet Protasiewicz was elected to become the newest member of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, giving liberal activist judges a majority in what is considered one of the most critically important courts in America.

The election of far-left Protasiewicz means that Wisconsin’s 1849 abortion ban will be struck down, and legitimate election fraud cases will likely be rejected by the court.

The newly re-elected RNC Chair, Ronna Romney McDaniel, is being blasted on social media for her abject failure in the WI Supreme Court race.

I was wondering last night what Ronna McDaniel thought was on Dems whipping us in Trump +19 areas in WI last night. Of course, she’s on TV making excuses. That ain’t gonna work for 2024, missy. The left is preparing their 2024 bulk mail in strategy. We are not.

— Kambree (@KamVTV) April 5, 2023

There is plenty of blame, especially for poor messaging from the RNC, but one thing is certain—NONE of that blame can be directed at Scott Presler, an American hero, who is not on the GOP payroll.

Only months ago, a completely drained Scott Presler, who is arguably America’s most influential Republican conservative activist, was very ill.

He addressed his followers from a bed in his parent’s Virginia home on October 9, 2022. In his video-recorded message, Presler apologized for his absence on the campaign trail, as he explained to his millions of followers that a blood disease that triggered his anemia, causing his weight to become “dangerously low,” which prevented him from using his legs. As a result of his illness, America’s most honest and hardest-working conservative activist was taken out of commission as he needed complete bedrest to heal his worn-down body.


I have a confession:

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) October 9, 2022

As soon as Presler was able to get back out and fight for our nation, he targeted key races across the country where he determined his time would be best spent.

Only months after his illness, Presler was on the ground in the state of Wisconsin, fighting to maintain a conservative majority on the WI Supreme Court, where the fight to stop election fraud continues.

In the video below, Presler can be seen climbing over snowbanks to knock on doors in Wisconsin as he fights with every ounce of his 7 ft body to maintain a conservative majority in a critically important state.

The snow won’t stop us from knocking on doors for Justice Daniel Kelly in Northwest Wisconsin!

Luck, WI

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) April 3, 2023

Here is Scott warning WI voters about liberal Milwaukee Judge Janet Protasciewicz and WI Supreme Court Justice candidate whose campaign received an astounding $1 million from the world’s most radical and anti-American billionaire, George Soros.

I’ve been screaming at the top of my lungs to anyone who will listen to me

about the importance of the Wisconsin Supreme Court Election on April 4th.

We all need to support Justice Daniel Kelly.

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) March 28, 2023

Scott Presler, who the RNC is not paying for his activism, works harder in one week than Ronna Romney McDaniels does in one year to get out the vote for conservative candidates.

Donate to Scott Presler’s Early Vote Action PAC HERE.

GOTV From the Comfort of Your Home

On Facebook, click on the magnifying glass & type “Wisconsin gun owners” into the search box.

Join groups or pages. Then, reply to supporters’ comments reminding them to vote for Justice Daniel Kelly on April

— #ThePersistence (@ScottPresler) April 4, 2023

Compare the unpaid activist Presler’s hard work and messaging to the overpaid RNC Chair, Ronna Romney-McDaniel.

Here’s how Romney-McDaniel, who TRIPLED her salary in 2023 from $123,000 to a whopping $400,000 per year, fought for WI conservative Supreme Court candidate Daniel Kelly—by retweeting a @GOP tweet telling WI residents to “get out and vote today!”

Notice there is no mention of who they should vote for! Would it have been too difficult for the National Republican Party Twitter account to tell the WI residents to vote for Daniel Kelly?

WISCONSIN! Be sure to get out and vote today!

We are facing a critical fight for the State Supreme Court and need your help to WIN!

— GOP (@GOP) April 4, 2023

Romney-McDaniel also retweeted a WI GOP message asking WI residents to “Go VOTE NOW for Justice Dan Kelly.”

The image they posted, however, makes no mention of Dan Kelly.

It’s go time. GO VOTE NOW for @JusticeDanKelly!

— Wisconsin GOP (@wisgop) April 4, 2023

And Romney-McDaniel also re-tweeted another tweet from the @GOP account, which included an article that revealed the truth about the dangerous liberal judge running against Daniel Kelly for a seat on the WI Supreme Court.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Candidate Janet Protasiewicz said “it’s not an easy call” whether to imprison man convicted of violent sex assault.

— GOP (@GOP) March 31, 2023

For anyone keeping score of Ronna’s success in winning elections for conservative Republicans in critical races in America, here you go:

So Ronna McDaniel has now overseen losing…

-AL senate seat (2017)
-House (2018)
-KY governor (2019)
-Presidency (2020)
-Two GA senate seats and the Senate (2021)
-Key governors races, senate seats, and the Senate (2022)
-WI Supreme Court seat (2023)

— Sterling Archer (@ShawnMcElhinney) April 5, 2023

And finally, this tweet nails the sentiment of GOP voters about Romney-McDaniel’s performance Vs. Scott Presler.

Ronna McDaniel on Fox saying things “ we need to do” in regard what happened in Wisconsin. Weren’t you the one that should have been doing it @GOPChairwoman instead of Scott Pressler by himself? Omg!

— Bonnie (@BonBee81) April 5, 2023

I spoke with Scott earlier today, and he confirmed that he does not receive a dime from the RNC for his incredible activism.

The post IS ANYONE NOTICING A PATTERN? UNPAID Conservative GOP Activist Scott Presler Runs Circles Around OVERPAID RNC Chair Ronna Romney-McDaniel AGAIN… This Time In Critical WI Supreme Court Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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