Iran to Head UN Human Rights Forum Weeks After Their Proxy Group Slaughters 1,400 Jews – And Where Women are Beaten Bloody for Not Wearing Hijabs

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) still plans on allowing the Iranian regime to lead its human rights forum later this week despite its abysmal record on women’s rights where they beat and jail women for not covering their hair.

The forum also comes just weeks after Hamas, an Iranian-funded terrorist group slaughtered 1,400 Jews in southern Israel and took another 220 Jews hostage.  The death count continues to climb as more hostages are confirmed dead by Israeli authorities.

An Iranian woman is beaten bloody for not covering her hair in public. The incident is not uncommon in Iran today.
According to The Daily Caller,

The 2023 UNHRC Social Forum is set to take place between Nov. 2 and Nov. 3 and will focus “on the contribution of science, technology and innovation to the promotion of human rights, including in the context of post-pandemic recovery,” while being led by Iranian ambassador Ali Bahreini, UNHRC President Vaclav Balek announced in May. Iran killed hundreds of human rights protestors this year, provided material support to the terrorist group that killed more than 1,000 Israeli civilians and is designated by the State Department as a state sponsor of terror.

In addition to killing more than 1,000 people, Hamas kidnapped children and raped women, according to reports. The State Department said in 2021 that Iran funds, arms and trains Hamas.

The Israeli government says that Iran funnels roughly $100 million to Hamas a year, CNN reported.

Hamas barbarians slaughtered 1,400 Jews on October 7, 2023, in the most horrific ways imaginable.

The Gateway Pundit released footage of Hamas butchering Jews and defiling the bodies of dead Jews they had murdered.

Now Iran, the Hamas funders, will be lecturing the world on human rights.

It really is time for the US to exit this sham organization.

The post Iran to Head UN Human Rights Forum Weeks After Their Proxy Group Slaughters 1,400 Jews – And Where Women are Beaten Bloody for Not Wearing Hijabs appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

