DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend is easily the most attractive woman I have met but I’ve never been able to climax with her.
I find it difficult to finish sometimes, even while pleasuring myself. Only when I think about other women does it become easier.
I am 26 and my girlfriend is 25.
We met almost a year ago and had sex for a few months without really dating or talking about our relationship, but we cared for one another.
We then spent six months apart due to work, but kept talking. Since reuniting and making our relationship official I’ve suffered with this problem.
I really love her but don’t know how to fix this issue.
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DEIDRE SAYS: It is clearly an emotional block, not a physical problem. The sex you had at first was casual whereas now you are invested emotionally.
It doesn’t matter how sexy or attractive you think your girlfriend is if you are worried about your performance and fear failure.
If you have been masturbating a lot you will struggle to climax again soon afterwards. My support pack Man Who Can’t Climax explains more.