I’m an insurance expert – here’s how to avoid worrying scam that could cost you THOUSANDS

AN INSURANCE expert has revealed how to avoid a worrying car scam that could cost you THOUSANDS.

The insurance industry has recorded thousands of victims in the UK, with ‘crash for cash’ costing drivers an estimated £392 million a year in higher premiums.

An insurance expert has revealed how to avoid a worrying scam that could cost you £1,000s.GETTY_HUB

In the latest twist on traditional ‘crash for cash’ scams, swindlers on mopeds are driving head-first into unsuspecting motorists up and down the country.

A moped fraudster will usually hide out of sight around a corner and ride head-on into the victim’s vehicle, throwing their own to the ground before taking photos of the incident.

Handily, car experts at Road Angel have advised motorists on the four things to do to avoid becoming a victim themselves.

Look well ahead and keep a good distance

Allowing a minimum two-second gap to the vehicle in front in dry conditions rising to four seconds in the wet.

On roads with faster-flowing traffic or if visibility is reduced, increase the gap to give you enough time to react to a scammer in front slamming on their brakes and look well ahead for mopeds coming out of side roads towards you.

Be wary of erratic driving

If the vehicle in front is driving erratically or slowing down for no apparent reason, this should ring the alarm bells so stay well back and don’t give them the opportunity to induce an incident.

Pay particular attention if another vehicle you have noticed driving erratically flashes its headlights at you to proceed.

Similarly, if you notice a car driving erratically indicating to turn into the junction you are waiting at, don’t assume that they will turn and wait.

Keep an eye on suspicious behaviour

If another vehicle is in poor condition and the driver or the passenger is behaving in a suspicious manner stay calm and keep well back.

The poor condition of another vehicle includes faulty brake lights that may have been disabled intentionally.

Always give yourself enough time to react.

Keep a thorough record of events

If you are in a collision you suspect may have been staged or induced, the key to not becoming a victim of a ‘crash for cash’ scam is to calmly gather evidence of the incident.

Don’t admit liability, instead take photographs of the scene and make notes that can be submitted to your insurer.

Seek out an independent witness if you can.

Ideally, if you have a dash cam installed, you will have recorded evidence of the entire incident that can be submitted to the police.

This comes after a car expert revealed the exact day to renew your car insurance to save £200.

Plus, a motoring expert revealed the six easy ways you can slash the cost of your car insurance – and loved ones can help you out.

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