I’m a psychologist – here’s why some people hate Christmas and how it can be a warning sign

THE FESTIVE season is usually full of laughter and joy.

But there’s always one person, whether it’s a family member, friend or work colleague who seems to be in a huff this time of year.

Getty – ContributorWe all have one friend or family member who is a bit of a Scrooge – here one expert explains why they might behave that way[/caption]

Enter the Christmas scrooge, who most of the time doesn’t want to participate in the fun and crosses their arms at even the thought of wearing a Santa hat.

You might just think they’re a misery guts, but one expert has revealed the truth behind why some people might be so moody this time of year.

Psychologist and author Susie Pearl said you shouldn’t take it personally if people are being ‘Scrooge-like’.

Speaking to The Sun, she said: “You don’t know what people’s situations are truly like and they may be facing difficulties you don’t know about.

“Realise that this festive season improves when it’s about kindness and compassion, helping others and spending time with the people you love.”

Susie said that sometimes the Scrooge’s in our lives might not always want to participate in gift giving.

If you have friends or family like this, she said you must try not to judge them badly for it.

“They may fear they haven’t enough to go around. 

“Whatever their reason, drop the judgement and let people choose their own way of giving or not giving. 

“Try not to judge others badly. We are conditioned by how we grew up – believing there is not enough to go around, to hold on to what you have got, or maybe we were told it’s important to give generously over Christmas. 

“We are all different – some people find giving easily and others find it difficult – regardless of circumstances.

“And people’s circumstances are different to one another.”

The expert added that the most valuable thing at Christmas cannot be bought.

She said: “Your time, your attention, your smile, a kind word, appreciation and gratitude. 

“These things mean much more than any present that can be wrapped up and put under the tree. 

“The more of these things you can give to others, the better you will feel.”


Experts at mental health charity Mind say it’s ok to not feel jolly this festive season.

They added that you should be gentle with yourself, set your own boundaries and take time out when you need to.

You should also let yourself experience your own feelings – don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not overflowing with festive cheer.

But do reach out to loved ones – or the Samaritans – if you are struggling.

Contact the Samaritans

If you have been affected by any of the issues raised in this article, contact The Samaritans on 116 123.

They are available for free at anytime.

Or email https://www.samaritans.org/

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