I’m a paramedic – here are the two surprising foods I would never feed my toddler

KNOWING what to feed your little one can be a challenge for many parents.

This is especially the case when your child is still tiny.

Some 20 children under the age of 10 years old have died as a result of choking in the last four years

Toddlers are always at a heightened risk of choking because their airways are small, and they haven’t mastered chewing and swallowing properly.

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) there are around 300-400 deaths linked to choking per year in the UK – half of which are children.

And around 20 children under the age of 10 years old have died as a result of choking in the last four years, the majority aged between one and four years old, usually when a child starts to eat solid foods.

TinyHeartsEducation – a website and Instagram page for parents run by first aider Nikki Jurcutz and her sister, Rachel – shared some of the foods you should never feed your little one in a video.

The caption said: “Some foods because of their shape, texture and size make them a higher choking risk,” the expert wrote

These are some foods the medical experts would never given their children until they are over five and they have a full set of teeth:

1. Popcorn

When popcorn breaks it can can get stuck in the airways as well as cause irritation.

It is not advised to give popcorn to babies and young children at all.

As they get older, around four or five years old, feel free to slowly introduce the snack.

2. Marshmallows

When marshmallows are swallowed whole they can easily become lodged in the airways.

The consistency, when mixed with saliva is very sticky, which can be hard for a child to swallow down.

Tiny Hearts recommends cutting marshmallows into tiny pieces for your little one.

However the NHS warn: “Do not give chewing gum or marshmallows to babies and young children.”

It does not recommend giving sugary foods and drinks to those under four years old.

How to spot choking hazards around your home

In a separate video, the team of medics share a useful tip on how to make sure your house is choke-risk free.

The healthcare team explained that a child can choke on anything which “can fit through a toilet paper tube”.

This would include items like coins, a hair clips and an almonds.

“Crawl around your house to get a babies-eye view – a very different perspective! Move any small objects out of reach,” they suggest.

What to do if your child chokes

It’s a parents worst nightmare to imagine a situation in which a child is choking.

But in that very moment, it may be up to you to step in and help potentially save a life.

The NHS says if you can see an object lodged in your child’s mouth, take care to remove it because blindly poking at it could make things worse.

If the child is coughing, encourage them to continue as they may be able to bring the object up – don’t leave them.

If the coughing isn’t effective (it is silent or they cannot breathe properly), shout for help immediately.

If the child is still conscious, use back blows. 

First aiders at St John Ambulance give the following advice based on the child’s age.


Slap it out:

Lay the baby face down along your thigh and support their head  Give five back blows between their shoulder blades  Turn them over and check their mouth each time  

2. Squeeze it out:

Turn the baby over, face upwards, supported along your thigh Put two fingers in the centre of their chest just below the nipple line; push downwards to give up to five sharp chest thrusts Check the mouth each time  

3. If the item does not dislodge, call 999 or 112 for emergency help  

Take the baby with you to call  Repeat the steps 1 and 2 until help arrives Start CPR if the baby becomes unresponsive (unconscious)  


1. Cough it out  

Encourage the casualty to keep coughing, if they can 

2. Slap it out  

Lean them forwards, supporting them with one hand Give five sharp back blows between the shoulder blades Check their mouth each time but do not put your fingers in their mouth  

3. Squeeze it out  

Stand behind them with your arms around their waist, with one clenched fist between their belly button and the bottom of their chest Grasp the fist in the other hand and pull sharply inwards and upwards, giving up to five abdominal thrusts Check their mouth each time  

4. Call 999 or 112 for emergency help if the object does not dislodge  

Repeat steps 2 and 3 until help arrives Start CPR if the person becomes unresponsive (unconscious)

5. Always seek medical advice if abdominal thrusts are used 

All kids are at risk of choking – especially those under the age of three.

Five warning signs your kid is choking

It’s important you understand the signs and how to help your little one if they are struggling

Here are the five you should look out for:

Unable to cough
Completely silent, no air, no crying, no speaking
Making desperate attempts to breathe
Clutching at throat
Skin changing colour

Source: Red Cross

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