I’m a nutritionist – here are 6 cheap ‘superfoods’ hiding in plain sight in your kitchen

SUPERFOODS don’t have to cost the earth. In fact, there are several foods that are likely to already be lingering in your cupboards, that can pack a serious punch when it comes to health benefits. 

Rhiannon Lambert, registered nutritionist and author says that ‘superfoods’ is a term given to foods that claim to offer a particular health benefit or promote wellness.

GettyWhat’s hiding at the back of your kitchen cupboard?[/caption]

“Things like spirulina powders, açai, matcha, chia seeds and turmeric have all been dubbed ‘superfoods’,” she tells Sun Health.

“While these can play a role in our diets for adults, they are often more expensive than common ingredients, such as fruits, veg, nuts, seeds, pulses and legumes, which have similar, if not more, nutritional benefits.

“In my opinion, most foods are pretty super, we just need to understand nutrition.”

She adds that within our cupboards at home, there are many delicious foods that can offer us a wide variety of nutrients.

In fact, it’s likely you’ve got plenty of superfoods already, without even realising it…

1. Bread 

Bread, the stuff of life, has been aggressively demonised over recent years. 

However, the wholemeal or wholegrain varieties actually pack in several vitamins and minerals. 

Plus they contain fibre too, needed to keep us regular.

“You can also freeze bread to keep it fresher for longer and then you can get it out the night before to defrost or toast before eating. 

“Pair with some tinned sardines, or some mashed peas for a tasty, yet nutritious snack,” says Rhiannon.

2. Tinned sardines and salmon

“Both salmon and sardines are considered oily fish, both rich in omega-3 fatty acids and a great source of vitamin D and calcium, particularly if eaten with the soft bones,” says Cara Shaw, women’s health nutritional therapist.

Omega-3 is key to supporting the health of our body’s cells and has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Cara says: “Omega-3 is incredibly important for both brain and heart health and is a ‘must have’ for anyone considering getting pregnant or already pregnant

“Calcium and vitamin D work synergistically to support bone health and so tinned fish would be an excellent option for everyone, especially those going through a growth spurt (children and adolescents), the elderly or those with a family history of osteoporosis.”

In fact, tinned sardines are a great way of getting more calcium into your diet if you’re dairy-free, and are actually a much higher source of calcium than milk, according to Cara.

She says: “Adults should aim for two portions of oily fish per week.” 

This can include salmon, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. 

3. Chickpeas and beans

The tin of chickpeas lingering at the back of your cupboard is actually a super convenient way of getting more fibre into your diet

These tiny yellow peas are packed full of the stuff.

“Fibre not only supports gut health by regulating bowel movements, it also helps support the microbiome

“Our good bacteria in the gut love fibre and use it to produce short chain fatty acids, which help maintain a healthy gut environment,” explains Cara.

Rhiannon adds: “In the UK it’s recommended we eat at least 30g of fibre a day to help aid digestion, blood sugar regulation, and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and bowel cancer.”

Plus, chickpeas contain complex carbohydrates as well as fibre. 

According to Cara, the two together also help support blood sugar by slowing down the release of glucose into the blood, preventing energy crashes or cravings later on. 

“Chickpeas and beans are a plant-based source of protein, making them a good option to add to a meal for those who avoid animal products,” she adds. 

Chickpeas and beans (such as black beans and even reduced salt and sugar baked beans) are also a great way of adding extra nutrients into your diet including B vitamins, potassium and iron. 

“Everyone can enjoy them but be mindful to start with small amounts if you have a sensitive stomach or are new to adding in fibre, as it can cause bloating in large amounts,” warns Cara.

Rhiannon adds: “Buying large packets of pulses, grains and pasta to cook is a great way to save over buying pre-cooked versions and you can cook in one go at home and freeze to save time.”

4. Olive oil

Whether you use it to cook with, or spoon it over salads as a dressing, olive oil has been shown to help support good health.

“Olive oil is high in both monounsaturated fats and polyphenols, both of which have shown to be beneficial for heart health and cholesterol

“Olive oil contains various polyphenols (plant based compounds) which are packed with powerful antioxidants, helping to protect cells from damage and are filled with anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation,” says Cara.

“Regular consumption of olive oil (particularly extra virgin olive oil) has been shown to support blood pressure, helping to relax the blood vessels and improve function. 

“Adults should aim for one to two tablespoons a day of olive oil, drizzled on salads, use it to sauté foods or for foods being roasted in the oven.”

5. Oats

This humble food is a breakfast staple for many. And for good reason.

“Firstly, oats are a great source of dietary fibre, both insoluble and soluble. 

“The soluble fibre slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates by forming a gel-like substance in the gut; therefore supporting blood sugar. 

“The insoluble fibre adds bulk to stools, promoting regular bowel movements and is a great addition to the diet to support constipation,” explains Cara. 

Oats are also filled with nutrients such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus and B vitamins. 

“To support gut health, a top tip would be to soak your oats overnight in milk or water to aid in the digestion process.”

6. Pumpkin seeds

Mini but mighty, pumpkin seeds are a great source of healthy fats, according to Cara. 

They’re also packed with nutrients including zinc, iron, magnesium and vitamin E. 

Cara says: “Magnesium plays a crucial role in relaxing muscles and is particularly beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart. 

“Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc, particularly useful for both male and female reproductive health.”

Vitamin E helps to protect our cells from oxidative damage too. 

Cara adds: “Pumpkin seeds can be enjoyed as part of any meal – you can add one tablespoon to smoothies, mix into porridge or sprinkle on a salad.”

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