I’m a nutritionist – add 14 ‘superfoods’ to your diet to ward off migraines, acne and 4 silent killers

WE all know there’s a whole lotta truth to the saying, “You are what you eat”.

But knowing exactly what to eat can be confusing, especially when it comes to so-called superfoods.

Alamy Stock VectorExperts share the superfoods you should add to your diet to slash illnesses[/caption]

These ingredients are nutrient dense and packed with vitamins and minerals.

And although a well-balanced diet, filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats is vital to support our bodies day-to-day, there are some standout foods that can play a big role in certain health conditions.

Take the humble cup of tea. Last week scientists at The University of Reading discovered two cuppas a day can help protect memory as we age thanks to the flavanols – naturally occurring in chemicals – found in it.

From Type 2 diabetes through to thrush, we asked experts Sophie Trotman and Cara Shaw to share the superfoods you can add to your diet.


“CHICKEN is a brilliant source of iron and protein,” says nutritionist Sophie.

“Roast a chicken and keep the meat in the fridge for the next few days, adding it to salads, soups and curries.”

For plant-based iron options, go for potato, spinach and lentils. “These sources are less readily absorbed by the body, so always make sure to pair sources of plant-based iron with sources of vitamin C, like broccoli and red pepper,” says Sophie.

Cara, women’s health nutritional therapist at crsnutrition.com, adds that it is best to avoid iron supplements unless you have been diagnosed with iron deficiency by a medical professional.


THE itchy skin and raised bumps associated with hives can be very frustrating.

However, onions can help to fend them off.

Sophie says: “Onions are good sources of quercetin, a natural plant compound with anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce hives symptoms.”

Spring onions, shallots, and leeks are also part of the onion family and can help too.

Plus, they are also a prebiotic food, making them a useful ally for good gut health.


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THESE nuts are a pretty useful food for caring for our mental health.

Cara says: “Walnuts contain omega-3 as well as antioxidants such as vitamin E.

“Omega-3 fatty acids are involved in maintaining the structural integrity of brain cells, promoting cell-to-cell communication in the brain cells, therefore supporting overall cognitive function.”

Snack on walnuts or chop them and sprinkle on porridge or salads.


IF you have ever experienced a migraine, you will know how debilitating they can be.

But magnesium, which is found in foods like spinach, could help to prevent them.

Sophie says: “Magnesium plays a role in regulating neurotransmitters and blood vessels, which are thought to be involved in migraines.

“Make use of frozen spinach, which is often fresher, as it is typically frozen at source, and is cheaper and less likely to go off than non-frozen spinach in the back of the fridge.”


GettyOily fish are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which could help to reduce the inflammation associated with eczema[/caption]

SARDINES, mackerel and salmon are oily fish that are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which Sophie says could help to reduce the inflammation associated with eczema.

Veggie or vegan? Try flax seeds, chia seeds and/or walnuts, which are all good sources of omega-3 too.

Oily fish also contain vitamin D, vital for inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines, which heighten inflammation in the body.

Sophie adds: “Vitamin D can also help to maintain gut lining integrity, supporting the immune response and increasing tolerance to allergens, commonly seen in those with eczema.”


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“OATS contain soluble fibre, which can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels,” says Sophie.

She explains that high cholesterol can develop through a variety of factors, including poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and genetics.

Soluble fibre, such as that found in the humble oat, helps lower cholesterol levels “by binding to cholesterol in the digestive tract, reducing the amount of cholesterol which is absorbed into the bloodstream and promoting its excretion from the body”.


IT’S the potassium in spuds that can help to keep blood pressure at a healthy level.

Cara says: “Potassium is a mineral that helps to regulate sodium (salt) levels and counterbalance the effects of sodium in the body.

“Sodium can increase blood pressure by increasing water retention and constricting blood vessels.

“Potassium helps to regulate fluid balance by promoting the excretion of sodium via the urine and dilation of blood vessels.”

Baked potatoes with the skin on are the best way to get the most potassium.


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PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women of reproductive age.

Sophie says: “Symptoms may include irregular menstrual cycles, excess androgen levels and/or polycystic ovaries – they become enlarged.”

She adds: “Eggs are protein-rich and can help to stabilise blood sugar levels often affected by PCOS.”

Eggs also contain the nutrient choline, which is important for brain development and function, liver health, cell signalling, heart health, foetal development and more.


Explaining how Type 2 diabetes develops, Cara says: “Once you eat any carbohydrate, it’s converted into glucose (sugar) in the blood.

“The pancreas then releases insulin to get the glucose into the cells to be utilised.

“Refined carbohydrates can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, leading to increased insulin production and eventually, resulting in insulin resistance.”

Greek yoghurt is a protein-rich, low-carbohydrate option that can help manage blood sugar levels – forget the fruit flavoured varieties though.

Sophie says: “Opt for full-fat, unsweetened varieties and add your own low-sugar toppings like fresh berries or a sprinkle of cinnamon.”


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We are not suggesting you put garlic up there as the old wives’ tales suggests.

Instead, Sophie recommends regularly using fresh garlic in savoury meals. Why? Cara explains: “Garlic has antifungal properties that can help combat Candida overgrowth.

“Candida is a yeast that lives naturally in the gut, the mouth and vagina, and in a healthy immune system it doesn’t usually cause any problems.

“More than 60 per cent of healthy adults have Candida living inside their body. If the balance of the bacteria changes, Candida overgrowth can occur, which may present a yeast infection like thrush.”

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