I’m a glam nan at 37 – people are always shocked when I tell them & my daughter is a teen mum but I love it

A WOMAN revealed that she’s overjoyed to become a nan, despite only being 37-years-old.

Elizabeth Elliott, now 38, welcomed her granddaughter, Elizabeth-Hope, into the world last year thrilled with how her daughter, Chloe, 19, has taken to motherhood.

CatersNan Elizabeth, daughter Chloe, and Granddaughter Elizabeth-Hope[/caption]

CatersChloe and her mum Elizabeth[/caption]

The glam gran had Chloe at a young age and assumed Chloe wouldn’t follow in her footsteps, even encouraging her to wait to have a baby.

Chloe had struggled with endometriosis and polycystic ovaries, so Elizabeth wasn’t even sure she’d ever be a grandma, so when Chloe did fall pregnant, it was a happy shock to experience.

Elizabeth explains: “Becoming a grandma at 37 was the best thing that ever happened to me.

“It was just a miracle that came out of a bad situation with Chloe being so unwell.

“When she got pregnant it was a shock, but it was a welcomed shock as she’s still doing her A-levels, but she’s doing it form home and her baby is now in the midst of it all.

“I went through some bad times when Chloe was young, so I’ve always encouraged education and being a parent later.

“I think her having a baby saved her life, it’s something she’s always dreamt of as we were worried it would never happen because of her endometriosis – it was a real blessing.

“She is the best mother to Elizabeth-Hope as she was in bad place before from being so unwell, yet she’s taken to it like a duck to water.

“People are always shocked I’m a grandma! People think I’m the mum, but I point out Chloe is the mum.

“I get told I look too young to be a grandma.”

Elizabeth is proud of Chloe and her ways of parenting, even though she reveals it’s a stark contrast to how she took to motherhood.

She continued: “I think me being a grandma was a shock for people, but no one is negative.

“I think because she’s so switched on and dedicated to being the best mum, no one has had any bad feelings.

“Of course, I was worried about Chloe’s health and whether she’d be able to be a mum, as she really wasn’t well.

“We all thought ‘oh my God, this is really happening’ after the excitement settled, but Chloe has proved how the whole situation is fantastic.”

“Chloe has a completely different mothering style to me and I’ve learnt so much from her.

“When she got pregnant she had her head in books, reading, and educating herself and becoming a boss mum.

“She said growing up she remembers our house as always being very loud, and now we have a rule that our house is a non-shouting household.

“When my girls were little, as soon as they weren’t sleeping through, I used to give them milk rusks to soothe them, but Chloe pointed out that her generation have a lot of stomach issues and that’s because feeding baby solid foods too early messes with their gut.

“I was so shocked at what she was feeding her but now it all makes sense.

“They have the most amazing bond, and it’s all from how much time and effort Chloe has done for her and interacts with her, when I was young and pregnant I never had any guidance, it wasn’t as widely available.

“I didn’t have a midwife, I was just left to it, whereas Chloe had a community nurse who taught her about breast feeding and these life lessons.

“I was 17 when I had Chloe and Chloe was 18 when she had Elizabeth-Hope.

“I am the proudest grandma; she is a fantastic mother. Everything she has done and has been actioning is always what she thinks is right.

“When my kids were young, I wasn’t the best mum and Chloe went into care. I had to work hard at being a good mum and especially a single mum.

“It didn’t come naturally and I had to work hard at it.

“I don’t know why I had any worries about Chloe being a mum as she helped me bring up my younger daughter.

“I worked my fingers to the bone for my kids and Chloe looked after the house and her younger sister.

“We’ve been parents to my younger daughter together, and now, we’re parenting her baby together.

“We’re an unconventional conventional family.”

CatersElizabeth with Chloe as a baby[/caption]  Read More 
