I’m a food expert – here are the 7 things I eat to get a glowing complexion

YOU might think the only way to get that ‘lit from within’ skin is to lather it in expensive creams.

But the roads to glowing skin are many – and your diet can actually play a huge role in the appearance of your complexion.

Eating something as simple as tomatoes can give your complexion a dose of glow

Health and nutrition expert Ashleigh Tosh from Prepped Pots told Huffington Post there are seven foods she swears by to keep her skin in tip-top shape.

You won’t find outlandish ingredients on her list. In fact, you’re probably having a few of these already.

Dive in to know what you should be eating for a glowy complexion.

1. Oily fish

We’ve all heard how good oily fish is for your health – a helping of salmon contains vitamin D, which has been shown to reduce anxiety, and it’s packed with omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation in the body.

So it makes sense that you skin would feel its benefits too.

According to Ashleigh, the omega-3 in fatty fish will keep your skin ‘hydrated’ and ‘supple’ and bring down inflammation in it.

She also suggested incorporating a variety of fish to your diet. If you’re used to having salmon, why not give cod and mackerel a try too.

Worried about the cost of fatty fish?

Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert told the Sun that it’s cheaper to buy it tinned or frozen – but you’ll still reap its skin-boosting benefits.

2. Cucumbers

Skin experts constantly say how important keeping hydrated is if you want your face to look moisturised.

The humble cucumber is rich in water so it’s a great way to boost your levels of hydration

“We all know that water is an essential part in having healthy skin”, Ashleigh said, “so it’s no surprise that water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelons are a great way to consume more water.“

3. Bell peppers

According to Ashleigh, bell peppers can give your skin some spring, as they’re full of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Both of these help your skin build collagen, which gives it elasticity and keeps it looking youthful, the nutritionist said.

4. Tomatoes

Who knew tomatoes could be so good for your skin?

Apparently they contain lycopene, which can  “can help undo the damage to collagen and promote its health which is key to healthy, radiant skin”.

5. Avocado

For those of you who love your avo toast, Ashleigh brought some good news.

The vitamin A and C in them can repair damage to your skin and prevent dryness.

6. Walnuts

Like salmon, these brain-shaped nuts are rich in omega-3s as well as vitamin E, which Ashleigh said can prevent skin damage.

You can snack on a handful of walnuts or sprinkle them on porridge, yoghurt or even salads and pancakes, she added.

7. Almonds

Ashleigh named one more nut you might want to add to your diet if you want lovely plump-looking skin.

She said almonds contain high levels of something called linoleic acid.

“This promotes plumpness of the skin and can help it to appear softer and smoother,” Ashleigh explained.

A dermatologist recently shared five products you should be using on your skin to get that glow – and the cheap swaps for them.

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