I’m a flight attendant and there are 3 things I do to passengers I don’t like

A FLIGHT attendant has revealed the things he does to passengers he doesn’t like – and some are pretty disgusting.

Former cabin crew member James said one thing he did was pretend he was holding a sick bag as it mean he wouldn’t get bothered by them.

Alamy Flight attendants have revealed the things they do to passengers they don’t like[/caption]

He told Australian KIIS FM’s Kyle & Jackie O: “Every time I used to go from one end of the plane to the other to eat my lunch, someone would always ask me something.

“So I used to put a can of coke in a sick bag, put a rubber glove on, and walk through the cabin so it looked like I am holding vomit – no one would ask me for anything.”

It wasn’t the only thing he would do – he would often lie about coming back to help a passenger.

He said: “If a flight attendant ever says to you, ‘I’ll be right back,’ we don’t like you.”

Of course, there is another reason to avoid talking to a flight attendant when they appear to be walking down the aisle without purpose – they could be letting out a long fart.

During a flight, crew will try to refrain from passing wind in the tiny galley area where they spend most of their time.

Instead, they will save their colleagues’ delicate noses by spreading the gas throughout the cabin, especially near passengers they don’t like.

To do this, they walk slowly up and down the cabin, pretending to make various status checks, such as looking at whether the overhead cabins are properly closed and passengers are settled.

The practice is so common among flight attendants that they even have a special word for it – crop-dusting.

A  different attendant revealed the drink they serve to passengers they don’t like – meaning you may be in their bad books if you find yourself with lots of ice in your cocktail.

Shawn Kathleen, a former flight attendant who runs the Passenger Shaming Instagram account, said that she would often put more ice in drinks to people who annoyed her.

In an interview with Yahoo, Shawn revealed that she would “take a cup and scoop in a lot of ice, and when I pour the soda or juice in, there’s, like, two tablespoons!”

This watered down cocktail is what she calls “The ‘A***hole Special”, and it’s one that she thinks other flight attendants make as well.

A drink you should never order if you don’t want to annoy cabin crew is a Diet Coke.

There is also a drink they will serve if they don’t like youAlamy

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