I’m a dietitian – here are the best 5 things to order at Domino’s if you want to lose weight

IF you’re trying to lose weight, you might think that a greasy Domino’s is off the menu.

But a registered dietitian reckons cheese-starved Brits can still enjoy a pizza and several side dishes and not pile on the pounds.

Jo TraversRegistered dietitian and nutritionist Jo Travers says you can order from Domino’s and lose weight[/caption]

Fast food lovers just need to be smart with their choices – but more importantly their portion sizes, according to Jo Travers.

She said: “It’s a bit of a challenge trying to find anything on this menu.

“Having said that, there are some options that are better than others.

“Ideally, people who are trying to lose weight need a balance of nutrients – a fist-size portion of carbs, a palm size portion of protein and two handfuls of veg.

“This is tricky to do but not impossible at Domino’s, as long as people don’t eat the whole pizza and add a side of coleslaw.”

Here are Jo’s top five picks.

1. Chicken Wings

DominosChicken wings provide a good protein hit, Jo said[/caption]

The first thing Jo would add to her basket when ordering at Domino’s is a portion of chicken wings.

“These are a good protein source so can help keep blood sugar even,” the registered dietitian and nutritionist said.

The lightly-spiced wings come in boxes of seven or 14, which feed two and four people respectively.

Each serving contains 226 calories and comes with Frank’s RedHot sauce or a pot of the signature Garlic & Herb dip.

2. Loaded Wedges – Chicken Mexicana

DominosThe Club Mexicana Loaded Wedges are said to be another good option for dieters[/caption]

To go alongside her wings, Jo would order the Chicken Mexicana Loaded Wedges.

She said: “This has a mixture of protein and carbs, so you just need some veg alongside it.

“But this option serves two, so don’t be fooled into eating it all.”

The wedges are topped with cheese sauce, mozzarella, spiced taco pulled chicken and green jalapeños.

Half the box contains 236 calories.

3. Coleslaw

DominosJo would add a side of coleslaw to any order[/caption]

“Vegetables are your friends at any time, but especially when trying to lose weight,” Jo, author of The Low-Fad Diet & Bone Strength Plan, said.

While there isn’t much to choose from when it comes to veg at Domino’s, there are still options.

Jo thinks a side of coleslaw – made from 57 per cent cabbage and six per cent carrot – is a good way to bulk up a smaller portion of another item on the menu.

And you shouldn’t fear the 33 per cent mayo content or 145 calories per half half-tub.

“I have clients that are wary of the mayo and calorie content of coleslaw, but I think that the high-fibre vegetables are filling and contain lots of nutrients so should help to prevent hunger later on,” she said.

4. Vegi Supreme

DominosOf all the pizzas on the menu, Jo would order a Vegi Supreme[/caption]

It would feel rather sad to order from Domino’s and not get a pizza.

Well pizza lovers rejoice – the delicious cheese-covered bread isn’t off the cards.

Even if you’re trying to lose weight, you can still enjoy a couple of slices of your favourite, according to Jo.

One of the best options, she said, is the Vegi Supreme as it’s topped with onions, green and red peppers, sweetcorn, mushrooms and tomatoes – all full of goodness.

Unfortunately though, you can’t scoff the whole thing.

Jo, who goes by The London Nutritionist online, said: “The thing with pizza is to keep portion sizes in check.

“It might feel like one pizza for one person is pretty normal, but this can cause weight gain and will not help a diet.

“More than about a fist-size portion of carbohydrate – in this case the pizza base – can cause a spike in blood sugar which triggers that sugar to get converted to fat and be stored around the middle.

“So if you eat a whole pizza, that’s what will happen.

“Instead, stick to a couple of slices and save the leftovers for the next day.”

A large slice of Vegi Supreme with a classic crust is 202 calories.

5. Chicken Feast

DominosFor meat lovers, the Chicken Feast is the ‘healthiest’ option[/caption]

If the idea of a vegetarian pizza offends you, Jo said her next-best choice would be the Chicken Feast.

It is the least-processed of the meaty options and offers a good protein hit.

A large slice with classic crust, topped with mushrooms and sweetcorn, is also just 210 calories.

Jo said: “I try to avoid processed meats as much as possible.

“Instead, go for chicken which has fewer preservatives and also less fat.

“Remember the portion sizes though.”

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