I’m a body language expert – six signs to look out for to see if someone REALLY likes your Christmas party outfit

CHRISTMAS party season is in full swing, with women searching high and low for the perfect outfit to wear to festive bashes.

And even if you think you’ve found the perfect dress, you’ll most likely be keen for a compliment from your colleagues.

GettyHow can you tell if someone pays you a compliment that they actually mean it?[/caption]

GettyThere are a few signs to look out for, according to body language expert Inbaal Honigman[/caption]

But how can you tell if they actually like your outfit, or are just saying it to be polite?

According to celebrity psychic and body language expert Inbaal Honigman, there are a few things to look out for, which might hint at someone’s true feelings about your ensemble.


“The eyes are the windows to the soul, and so much can be gleaned from just looking at the eyes of the person who is complimenting us,” Inbaal explained.

“If they’re maintaining nice, natural eye contact and their eyes match their expression, then this accompanies a true and honest statement.

“If they have a smiling expression with smiling eyes or a playful expression with playful eyes – a match like that is good news, they’re saying the dress looks good and they mean it.

“However, if they’re blinking a lot, or if their eyes are wide open in an unnaturally unblinking way, this is suspicious.

“When their whole face is smiling but their eyes aren’t, there’s dishonesty at play.

“And if they’re looking away from you, especially if they’re looking down, then don’t trust a word they say.”


“When talking to other people and when interacting in a conversation, the hands are never completely still,” Inbaal continued.

“A lot of our non-verbal communication is expressed via our hands and arms.

“Check the palms first – are they facing up? Upwards-facing palms indicate truth-telling.

“It’s an open, receptive gesture that show that the speaker is sharing truthful communication.

“Relaxed, open hands express sincerity.

“Clenched hands are stressed and probably lying or even angry.”


“The biggest indicator of dishonesty in a person’s voice is if it’s very different from usual,” Inbaal explained.

“When you’re checking for lies in conversation with someone you know well, like a partner or a family member, you can tell if their voice is higher or lower, quicker or slower than usual.

“A change to speech pattern should arouse suspicion. Also, telling the truth is easier and more natural than telling a lie, so a faster sentence is more believable.”


“When a person lies, they naturally hope they’re not caught,” she said.

“Even a simple, inconsequential lie like ‘your waist looks perfect in this dress, darling’, triggers the same trepidation in the liar, and causes them to tilt away from the person they’re talking to.

“A person who is telling the truth will turn their whole body to face you – heart to heart.

“An honest comment will come from a body standing solid, two feet slightly apart, and their torso and chest facing directly towards you.

“If the person’s body is turning away from you, or if they’re trying to make themselves small or seem somehow unstable, their words are likely to be crooked, too.”


“People who lie tend to touch their face a lot more than someone who is telling the truth,” Inbaal said.

“Their nerves influence their actions, so when they say ‘absolutely this skirt is a lovely length’ but they actually think it’s too short, they’d be worried about being caught in their lie.

“Those nerves could cause them to sweat or blush, so try to notice if they’re looking a bit warm.

“Head shaking is another sign – if someone doesn’t believe what they’re saying, their face may refute their words by moving from side to side as they speak.”


“The lips, tongue, and teeth hold a lot of emotions within them and are involuntarily moving all the time,” she continued.

“Learn to read the subtle motions of the mouth to find out whether you’re dealing with a teller of truths, or someone trying to keep you sweet for their own needs.

“Look for signs of stress, such as stretched lips, a tight mouth, or grinding and biting teeth.

“If the speaker seems tense, they’re not being truthful with you.

“The loveliest compliment delivered from a clenched mouth is worthless.”

For more information, visit Mecca Bingo’s blog.

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