Ignored by COP28 Death Cult: Major Study Finds Nine Times more Deaths Due to Freezing Cold than to Heat Deaths Every Year

The Gateway Pundit is republishing this study from earlier this year.
The death cult at COP28 will ignore this little fact this week.

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A Lancet study revealed that cold weather is responsible for approximately 90% of the 5.1 million annual excess deaths attributed to temperature.

We could use some more heat.

Via Kanekoa.

A Lancet study revealed that cold weather is responsible for approximately 90% of the 5.1 million annual excess deaths attributed to temperature.

If the cold causes 9 times more deaths than heat, would fewer people die if global temperatures were warmer? pic.twitter.com/VyEvAHu8S3

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) July 28, 2023

And less people are dying from naturaly disasters and climate today than at any time in history.

We will tell them that their generation has the lowest chance of dying in a climate-related disaster. https://t.co/GM9RHIDFEN pic.twitter.com/DJLvSgMrOT

— Dr. Matthew M. Wielicki (@MatthewWielicki) July 18, 2023

The post Ignored by COP28 Death Cult: Major Study Finds Nine Times more Deaths Due to Freezing Cold than to Heat Deaths Every Year appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

