A MAN who worked 60 hours a week and made six figures now lives off grid in a old school bus full of genius features.
Murph dedicated three decades running restaurants and managing other businesses but realised that despite all his hard work he had very little to show for it.
YouTubeMurph used to work 60 hours a week but now lives in an old school bus[/caption]
YouTubeHe said he is far happier living off-grid and having his freedom[/caption]
Despite being “wildly successful in his field”, the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck with increasing rent costs left him questioning the value of his efforts.
He told YouTube channel CheapRVliving: “I made all this money for other people.
“I started having the fantasy and day dream of an RV lifestyle. I was really excited about the idea but I didn’t have the guts to do it.”
But Covid closed the location of his business and provided the catalyst for Murph to start his new life.
For the past two years, he has called a 2000 Chevy short bus his home.
And it’s name – ‘Courage the Cowardly Bus’ – is testament to how Murph grew into a more confident character.
It boasts a 6.5litre turbo-diesel engine and has almost twelve miles per gallon, according to Murph.
The 23ft vehicle is spacious but small enough that he can still make it into parking spots when need be.
Murph adds that shopping for groceries is easy and his fuel costs are relatively low.
He has a compost toilet as well as a litterbox for his beloved cat.
Murph has managed to retain some of the original seats from the school bus and now re-uses it as a place to sit in his living area.
He also has a spacious ‘bedroom’ with a queen-sized bed taking pride of place along with a TV.
The off-grid resident then showed off his huge storage space and his ‘pantry’ where food is put.
Murph has a full-size oven and stove which means cooking full, hearty meals is not a problem.
And a propane heater means he can stay nice and toasty when needs be.
There is a generator in the back when there is cloudy weather and solar panels which can generate 550W when the weather is sunny.
Murph says he “loves the outdoors” which he much prefers to the city life that most people experience.
He recalls one great memory with his daughter as they lazed on top of the bus roof enjoying the sights at Yellowstone.
Through this unique and minimalist lifestyle, Murph has discovered a world where he spends significantly less money to sustain his existence.
Murph added: “I’ve made more friends in the last two years than in the last 30 years.”
Viewers were quick to take to the comments section to weigh in with their opinion.
One wrote: “He chose the path of happiness. He didn’t let fear stop him.
“I admire him for his courage. thanks for introducing us to him.”
Another said: “I’m in the predicament he described in the beginning. People are tired of the rat race.”
A third praised Murph’s new lifestyle: “There is no such thing as the ‘perfect time’ to do anything.
“If we all waited for the perfect time to do the things we love, we wouldn’t do anything.”
YouTubeCourage the Cowardly Bus is named after Murph became a braver person[/caption]
YouTubeHe has a full size-stove and ample storage space[/caption]