I went to Turkey for a BBL – I thought I was going to die… I’ll never get over it

A WOMAN who went to Turkey for cosmetic surgery says she thought she was going to die and will never get over it.

Dani Gratton was just 21 when she made the trip alone for a combined BBL, tummy tuck and jaw lipo, so she could get the body she’d always wanted.

Twitter/@MissDaniGrattonDani paid £5,000 in cash for the cosmetic surgery[/caption]

Twitter/@MissDaniGrattonThe OnlyFans star says she was left fearing for her life[/caption]

But the OnlyFans and Playboy model was left fearing for her life after her “nightmarish” experience having seen bodies cut open in front of her and hearing the screams of the patients.

Now aged 23, she said she was “gambling with her life” by paying out £5,000 in cash for the operations in Istanbul.

Her ordeal didn’t end though when the operation did and after returning to the UK some of her stitches burst and she feared her bellybutton would drop off due to the extent of the resulting infection.

Dani said she had always wanted cosmetic surgery but having received body-shaming abuse after she appeared on an MTV show, that desire turned into an urgent need.

She told the MailOnline: “On a scale of thousands of people saying awful comments about me, it made me feel I really needed to rush.

“I thought ‘I need to find myself somewhere now and book it ASAP’.”

At the time, BBLs were largely not offered in the UK so she had to look abroad.

She considered going to Miami but the £13,000 price tag put her off.

Dani eventually tracked down a clinic in Turkey which offered all three procedures for what seemed a bargain, as the total included a hotel stay, meals and VIP transport.

She got in touch with the clinic via Instagram, who asked her to say pictures of her body and provide details such as her weight and if she smoked.

She was quickly approved and booked in for the surgery just five days after originally contacting the clinic.

Dani, originally form Uxbridge, North London, arrived in Turkey the night before the op and was met with a “flashy” VIP limo which took her to her five-star hotel.

It was only then, while chatting to her parents, did the gravity of the situation sink in.

Crying down the phone, her dad urged her to book a flight and come home.

But the comments of the nasty body-shaming trolls stayed in her mind and she was determined to see things through.

She was reminded of the severity of what she was about to do when she had arrived at the clinic and given a “literal book” of forms to sign.

It listed the potential side effects or complications she need to accept the risk of with the phrase “can result in death” cropping up over and over.

While lying on a gurney, she saw a sight that she said she will never forget – around half a dozen rooms, each one with a woman being cut open for some kind of enhancement or augmentation.

Dani said: “I saw people mid-operation being out on the table and being cut open.

“They were pulling this woman’s breasts open to push the breast implants inside.

“It felt dodgy… and I just focused in on myself and hoped I survived this.

“I genuinely thought I was going to die.”

After the operation she awoke in a waiting room, along with two other women she had met earlier when being picked up by the clinic.

While one was still unconscious, the other was wide awake and in so much pain she was screaming, saying she wanted to die.

Following the surgery, Dani stayed a few nights in hospital but said she felt rushed to leave by the clinic, who said staying longer would cost more money.

She returned to her hotel alone where she says she was “left to her own devices” adding she was scared of what might happen with all cables attached to her body, especially a drainage bag lodged between the butt cheeks of her new BBL.

Although the clinic did send nurses to check up on her, they were only on call from 9am to 5pm and outside those hours she was on her own.

One time, she dropped her painkillers in the evening and wasn’t able to pick them up and so was forced to spend the night in agony until help came the next morning.

After five days recovering, her hotel stay, which was part of the package, was at an end and she was forced to go home, even though she says she wasn’t ready.

Fortunately, the flight back to the UK went without any problems and she returned home to be cared by her parents.

Her ordeal though didn’t end there and she had post-operative issues that needed medical attention.

A stitch in her right hip burst causing fluid to leak out.

Her belly button started to turn green and “gunky” and at one point she feared it might drop off.

Luckily, now she has made a full recovery and has no ongoing health issues.

Despite what happened to her, it didn’t put her off having breast augmentation done in the UK, which she says was very different.

Dani warned others thinking about following in her footsteps and not to travel alone.

She also urged people to think about the ordeal and the risk involved not just the pictures on social media showing the final result.

Twitter/@MissDaniGrattonDani suffered post-operative issues that needed medical attention[/caption]

Twitter/@MissDaniGrattonThe model says she felt she was ‘gambling with her life’[/caption]  Read More 
