I make £4,000 a MONTH from my extremely unusual job with NO qualifications – there’s lots of hazards but I love it

A TEENAGER who makes £4,000 a month from an unusual job that requires no qualifications says he loves it despite the hazards.

Corey Grieveson, 18, spends his days dressed as an eagle after being hired as a “live seagull deterrent” by chip shop owner Alex Boyd, 31,

SWNSCorey Grieveson in his eagle costume in the seaside town of Whitby[/caption]

SWNSThe teen pockets £200-a-day for his efforts[/caption]

Corey prowls Whitby harbour in a bit to try and stop pesky seagulls nicking people’s fish and chips over the summer.

And while dressing up in costume seems like a laugh, it has helped the teen rake in some big bucks.

Corey makes £200 a day which means he ends up netting around £4,000 per month.

He even earns a pretty penny from tips and claims tourists who love seeing him do his job often ask for pictures with him.

Corey told TeessideLive: “People absolutely love it. They approach me asking for pictures and whatnot. I feel like a bit of a celebrity.

“I just charge at the seagulls when I see them. I also have to look out for them going near people, and when they do, I run at them and get them away.”

The teen once made £72 in tips in just a day when he came to the aid of a wedding party.

He said: “I went over, did my job, and they said: ‘This is for doing that and looking after us!’ There were maybe about 50 people.

“I’ve always liked birds – big birds in particular. I just wanted to do something that was going to stand out and make me known.”

But the gulls have seemingly started dishing out their own “revenge” – by pooping on his spotlessly clean car every day.

Talking about the hazards of his job Corey said: “I’ve had gulls hit me on the side of the face with their wing before, then they’ll get down, take your food. They’ll do it so quickly that you just don’t expect it at all.

“It’s quite frightening, especially for the older generation, if they’re walking along having some chips.

“And at the moment, they won’t leave my car alone. I clean it every day, and when I come back, it’s covered in seagull poop. I think they are trying to get their revenge.”

Corey, who grew up in Whitby, starts work at 6am and patrols along the harbour front during the summer months.

Alex, co-owner of Mister Chips, whose fans include The Grand Tour‘s James May, said he employed Corey near his takeaway shop by Whitby’s West Pier.

And he said since the teen has come on board, punters have been overjoyed with his valiant work and cheery banter.

He said: “We’ve been down on the pier for a number of years, and there has been a massive problem with seagulls.

“It’s just got worse and worse and worse. I tried putting out big fake eagles on sticks, but they just get wise to it. They knew it wasn’t a real bird. They’re really clever.

“So I spoke to Corey, and I said ‘Would you fancy working in the shop through the winter, and in the summer, being a full-time seagull scarer?’

“Corey has quite a bit of banter with customers. When they come and speak to him, he will make bird noises back. He says: ‘I don’t speak English, I speak eagle-ish’.

“It’s taken me so long to realise what we needed – a live deterrent. If you spend £15 per hour to keep the customers safe and the seagulls away, then it’s good for the shop.”

Corey said you’ve got to be “enthusiastic” in the role but said the job does have its benefits.

He said: “It keeps you fit, it’s a lovely job to have, really. You’re outside all the time in the good weather. And when the weather is bad, the seagulls aren’t there.”

It comes after workers doing a job you’ve probably never heard of revealed it pays £50k a year and doesn’t require a degree.

Meanwhile, a woman shared her £21.35-an-hour role in a bizarre job that sees her work her own hours.

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