I lost six stone in SIX months to please my in-laws – I was terrified what they’d think of me in a bikini

A WOMAN has told how she lost almost six stone in six months because she didn’t want to look “fat” in front of her in-laws.

Chloe Davison, 31, began putting on weight after meeting her fiancé Jake four years ago, becoming “comfortable” in her relationship.

Chloe Davison, 31, from Kent, she lost almost six stone in six months because she didn’t want to look “fat” in front of her in-lawsSupplied

Chloe started piling on the pounds after becoming “comfortable” in her relationship with her fiancé JakeSupplied

Like 40 per cent of Brits, she also piled on the pounds during successive lockdowns during the Covid pandemic.

As more weight crept on, the health worker, from Kent, found she had less energy and less confidence and more cravings for junk food.

She said: “My diet consisted of takeaways, chips, pizza and chocolate.

“Basically, I was living on processed foods and although I realised, I had put on a few pounds it wasn’t until we booked a holiday with my fiancé’s family that I realised how bad it had made me feel.

“I tried on my bikini and stood in front of the mirror, wondering how I had let myself go and ended up looking this big.

“My confidence and self-esteem were so low. The thought of wearing a bikini on the beach while sitting with other people terrified me.

“I didn’t want my in-laws to think I was fat. I knew I had to do something about it.”

The simple action of booking a dream holiday with her in-laws-to-be finally became the catalyst to turn her life around.

By overhauling her lifestyle, Chloe lost 5st 8lbs in just six months, and now weighs nine stone.

She has shrunk from a dress size 20 to a toned size 10.

Chloe joined a gym and got a personal trainer, who encouraged her to overhaul her diet, and ditch the take-aways and processed foods.

She said: “I needed to eat more of a balanced diet by making sure I had lots of fruit and vegetables and reducing my carbohydrates.

“I didn’t cut out all the bad stuff but limited treats to once a week rather than once a day.

“Within a week I noticed my clothes felt loose. It felt good and I think that feeling is what has helped me stay on track. 

“It was difficult to start with because eating was a real social thing in my life, I had to learn to adapt to eating healthily when I was out. 

“My body also craved sugar and all the bad things I ate before, these cravings got better after a while and I craved the bad things less.

“My typical meal now will have at least a third of my plate as fruit or vegetables, the other two thirds would be made up of protein and carbohydrates.”

With more energy, Chloe started to go to the gym three times a week, doing both weights and cardio.

Her personal trainer suggested she optimise her results by also taking a £49.99 supplement designed for athletes.

He recommended a pill called TRIM, which is supposed to stop cravings for sugar and carbs and boost the metabolism even when you’re sat down.

Chloe claims it boosted her energy and determination to achieve a slim bikini body for her holiday with her fiancé and his family to Barbados. 

She said: “People never commented on my weight gain, but they do compliment me on my weight loss and how different I look now.

“I feel more attractive and the kind words and the change in how I look and feel have boosted my confidence completely.

“I ended up buying nine new bikinis in a smaller size for the holiday, and had the best time without worrying about how I looked and if people were thinking I was fat. 

“Now I’m inspired to continue following a healthier lifestyle.

“I still have insecurities like everyone else, but I feel happier and healthier than ever. Looking and feeling my best for my wedding in July will be the icing on the cake.”

SuppliedBy overhauling her lifestyle, Chloe lost 5st 8lbs in just six months, and now weighs nine stone[/caption]

SuppliedLike 40 per cent of Brits, Chloe also piled on the pounds during successive lockdowns during the Covid pandemic[/caption]  Read More 
