I have a heart condition and I’m being forced to live off grapes after water supply problems

A WOMAN with a heart condition has said she is living off grapes after water supply problems.

Emily Gayton, 46, said she has to drink two litres of water a day and is classed as vulnerable.

Burst pipes, pictured being fixed, caused water supply to be cut off – leaving Emily Gayton forced to eat grapes to stay hydrated and manage her heart conditionTwitter – @SouthernWater

The sports massage therapist, of Mayfield, East Sussex, said South East Water kept “offering empty promises” after burst pipes left homes cut off for a week.

Emily added: “What’s really upset me is the blatant lies and the lack of care.

“I was told that there would be water drop-offs for people who are vulnerable, but there have been none to my knowledge, and then every time you go on to the website they keep changing the time the water will return by and they have been doing this constantly.

“It has been incredibly stressful.

“I have been living off grapes just to kind of give me energy to go on.

“I’ve got a very physical job, so I’ve been eating a handful of grapes here and there and just sipping water to keep going.”

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