I ‘died’ and saw the afterlife – angels predicted two deaths in my family and both came true

A MAN said he visited the afterlife in a near death experience.

The self-styled ghost whisperer claims he spoke to angels on his deathbed – who predicted the dates of two deaths in the family.

David Hanzel, now 57, claims to have had supernatural experiences since he was four

The self-styled ‘ghost whisperer’ said he had a near-death experience and angels allegedly revealed the dates his dog and brother were going to die

Both their warnings came true, he said.

David Hanzel, 57, told the Daily Star he developed a rapidly spreading lung infection and sepsis in September 2015, which he barely survived.

But his brushes with the afterlife started much earlier than that, he claimed.

David said he started seeing and hearing the dead at just four-years-old.

He said he perceived noises and whispers his parents couldn’t, and could hear the dead closing doors and turning lights on and off.

Decades of being haunted by ghosts caused David to turn to alcohol and drugs – he told the Daily Star he was ‘sick’ of people thinking he was ‘crazy’.

But he maintained an affinity to angels: “I would talk to angels.”

“They are so cool. They protected me from a lot in my lifetime,” he explained.

His most significant contact with them occurred in 2015, when he edged towards death due to deadly infections.

David was admitted to hospital with 70 per cent of his lung covered in infection and suffering with sepsis – doctors had to perform surgery on him, he said.

At some point, his heart monitor flatlined. But the ghost whisperer didn’t realise he was dead.

David claimed he was whizzed up to nirvana, surrounded by golden light and angels.

After what felt like months, the celestial beings told him he needed to return to earth.

He claimed: “The angels told me that another reason I had to go back was because my older brother was going to die.

“I also saw that our little dog, Toto, was also going to die before my brother.”

David awoke from a coma two months after he was first admitted to hospital.

For a while, he was convinced what he had experienced was a dream, and started to feel depressed.

He claimed: “I still didn’t believe it and then my little dog died. Exactly as they said – she was torn apart by the other big dogs at my parents’ house.

“And then my brother, just like they said, was all of a sudden diagnosed with stage-four lung cancer and a brain tumour, and he died in four months.”

David also claimed that his near death experience healed various different ailments he was suffering from – including hypertension, severe anxiety disorder and suspected brain damage from the coma.

People who’ve experienced being clinically dead have shared their experiences on Reddit.

One user said the experience was peaceful: “My world became soft and foggy and everything faded to black.”

Another described seeing their dead aunt sitting at their bedside.

nurse recently said many people often experience “visioning” – this is when dying people, who are often fully lucid, see deceased friends, family and even pets.

For some, the experience of dying can even be euphoric, as our bodies are ‘biologically built to die’, another health professional revealed.

It comes after research published last year revealed the process might be much more pleasant than we think.

Scientists accidentally captured our most complex organ as it shut down, showing an astonishing snapshot into death.

A patient with epilepsy was hooked up to an electroencephalogram (EEG) before having a heart attack.

This meant the 15 minutes around his death was recorded on the EEG.

In the 30 seconds either side of the patient’s final heartbeat, an increase in very specific brain waves were spotted.

These waves, known as gamma oscillations, are linked to things like memory retrieval, meditation and dreaming.

This could mean – although many more studies would need to take place – we might see a sort of film reel of our best memories as we die.

The parts of the brain that were activated in this study also suggests we could enter a peaceful dreamlike state that feels similar to meditation.

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