SIXTY-year-old Nick Flatters has revealed how he bagged a £150 electricity bill discount through a Government scheme.
Millions of households are eligible for a Warm Home Discount in England, Wales and Scotland this winter.
NICK FLATTERSNick Flatters bagged a £150 electricity bill discount through Charis Grants[/caption]
The scheme is a one-off £150 discount on your electricity bill issued between October and March and in most cases is made automatically.
But there are hundreds of thousands who have to apply for the help or risk missing out, including those in park homes who have to do so via the Charis Grants website.
Nick Flatters, 60, assumed the Warm Home Discount would be paid into his account automatically after moving into a park home in Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire, last year.
But by the time he had realised he had to apply, it was too late and he missed the payment.
This winter, he managed to get an application in on time, earning a £150 credit on his electricity bills – now, he’s urging others to do the same.
“Once I realised my mistake and researched how to apply through the Charis website, it was a simple process,” he said.
“I feel that there is a discrepancy between park homes and traditional homes that should not be there.
“It is particularly challenging for older, less computer literate residents who might not have the digital know how to not just find out the information, but actually make the application.
“As chairman of our residents association, I’m surprised at how many people are still not aware of how to apply.”
It comes as Charis Grants reveals over £250,000 in Warm Home Discount funding is yet to be claimed.
It means over 1,600 eligible park home residents who qualify have not been in touch.
Who qualifies for a payment?
You may qualify for the Park Homes Warm Home Discount if you (or a household member) receive one of the following:
Pension credit
Income-related employment and support allowance
Income-based job seekers’ allowance
Income support
Universal Credit
Child tax credit by virtue of an award based on an annual income not exceeding £18,723
Working tax credit by virtue of an award based on an annual income not exceeding £18,723
Housing benefit (or Housing element if receiving Universal Credit)
You’ll also qualify if you aren’t receiving benefits but the total gross annual income across everyone living in your household is below £18,723.
How do I apply and how will I be paid?
Only park home residents can apply for the Park Homes Warm Home Discount.
You have to apply via the Charis Grants website.
You’ll need to provide details of the benefits you receive, plus income details for you and other household members.
You also must have a valid email address to receive the decision outcome and any requests for information.
Charis will also ask for your bank account details, as shown on your bank card, bank passbook or account statement, to make an award directly to your bank.
If your application is successful, a payment of £150 will be made directly into your bank or building society account by March 31, 2024.
Bear in mind, you should make an application by February 29, or you risk missing out.
If you’re not a park home resident, in most cases you’ll receive the payment automatically, although some have to apply.
You can read more about who has to apply by the February 29 deadline in our piece here.
What other energy bill help is there?
If you don’t qualify for the Warm Home Discount, you might be able to get help via the Household Support Fund (HSF).
The latest round of funding is worth £842million and has been shared between councils in England.
They then decide how to distribute their portion.
But what you are entitled to varies on where you live as each local authority sets its own eligibility criteria.
In the vast majority of cases, you will qualify if you are on benefits or a low income, or struggling financially.
You should approach your council to see if any help is on offer. You can find what council area you fall under by using the Government’s council locator tool online.
You might also be able to claim a free grant from your energy firm if you’re struggling to make payments.
British Gas, Octopus Energy and EDF are some of the major companies that offer help.
Meanwhile, it’s worth checking if you’re eligible for benefits, as it could be worth thousands of pounds more a year.
You can check if you might qualify for benefits by using a number of free online calculators:
Policy in Practice better off calculator
entitledto benefits calculator
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