Huge boost for closed UK airport – as it now hopes to reopen as soon as next year

A UK AIRPORT that once served thousands of passengers a year could be able to reopen as soon as next year.

Doncaster Sheffield Airport was forced to close back in November 2022, after a number of airlines ceased operations.

AlamyDoncaster Sheffield Airport has been given a boost following reports confirming it it financially viable[/caption]

Despite a petition hoping to keep it open, the airport owners Peel Group said it wasn’t “financially viable” to keep it running.

However, local authorities have been battling to save the airport and reopen it with passenger flights.

And the recent campaign has been given a welcome boost after a new report found that the airport could be financially viable to run.

Ros Jones, Doncaster Mayor said the city council have given their support to reopen it, with the next steps to find a new investor.

As many as 15 parties have expressed interest in the contract to lease the site from Peel Group for 100 years.

Ms Jones said: “I am pleased to say that the report suggests we were right to have faith in the potential of the airport.

“Initial discussions with the market have also been positive and suggest there is substantial interest from potential operators.

“In addition, and importantly, discussions with the current landowners have led us to believe that there is a realistic chance of agreeing a lease for the airport which would enable us to expedite the reopening process.”

She added that reopening the airport was her “number one priority”.

It is hoped an investor could be appointed by March 2024, the BBC reports.

Mr Jones also confirmed that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has confirmed they will not be removing the controlled airspace of the airport any time soon.

This could mean speed up the opening of the UK airport.

Sun Travel has contacted the CAA for comment.

Doncaster Sheffield first opened in 2005, eventually becoming the 29th biggest airport in the UK.

It was even voted one of the best airports in the country.

TUI and Wizz Air both operated from the airport, with destinations including Tenerife and Lanzarote.

However, Wizz Air ceased operations leaving just TUI flights in operation.

The airport eventually closed in November 2022.

A number of former UK airports have expressed interest in reopening.

Plymouth Airport has announced plans to try and relaunch flights after closing back in 2011.

And Kent-based Manston Airport could reopen initially as an air cargo airport, followed by passenger flights.

AlamyA new investor could be appointed as soon as March 2024[/caption]   
