How your favourite Christmas party outfit could land you with a nasty infection 

WITH Christmas parties in full swing, chances are you’ve worn a funky outfit or two.

From red velvet dresses to sequin trousers – we love to look glam this time of year.

GettyWearing tight clothing like tights and jeans can increase your risk of thrush[/caption]

But some elements of your festive look could land you a nasty yeast infection: dreaded thrush.

“Some common triggers for thrush, particularly during the Christmas season, include wearing tight clothing like tights and tight jeans, as well as using synthetic underwear,” Dr Melanie Bone, a gynecologicolist and member of Daye’s medical board, tells the Sun.

“These factors create warm, moist conditions that promote yeast growth,” she explains.

Many Christmas treats high in sugar, like booze and mince pies, can also make you wreak havoc with your vagina and trigger fungal infection.

This is because high sugar levels in your urine lead to better conditions for the yeast to grow, according to the NHS.

Thankfully, there are many ways to prevent the uncomfortable ailment, Dr Melanie explains.

She says: “Make sure you don’t douche and instead only use gentle soap to clean the outside of your vulva.

“Opt for cotton underwear and avoid tight clothing.

“Eat lots of probiotic-foods-rich foods, like yoghurt and kimchi, to keep the vaginal and gut microbiome well stocked on good bacteria, which reduce the risk of vaginal infections.”

Thrush is a common yeast infection caused by a fungus called candida that affects both men and women.

Three out of four women are thought to develop thrush at least once, and six per cent suffer repeatedly, scientists say.

More than a million women in the UK are affected by the painful infection.

While it is usually harmless, thrush can come with some pretty uncomfortable symptoms, according to the NHS.

In women, these tend to include:

White vaginal discharge (that often looks like cottage cheese), which does not usually smell

Itching and irritation around the vulva and vagina

Soreness and stinging during sex or when you pee

In men, the most common signs are:

Irritation, burning and redness around the head of the penis and under the foreskin

A white discharge (that often looks like cottage cheese)

An unpleasant smell

Difficulty pulling back the foreskin

Thrush is most common in the nether regions but can also affect the armpits and between the fingers.

Thankfully, it is easily treated with anti-fungal medicine, but you should see your GP to rule out anything more serious.

How to prevent thrush returning

THRUSH can be incredibly uncomfortable, especially if it keeps coming back.

But there are some things you can do to prevent repeated returns.


Use water and an emollient (like E45 cream) instead of soap to wash the affected area
Dry properly after washing
Wear cotton underwear
Avoid sex until thrush has cleared up if it is uncomfortable


Do not use soaps or shower gels
Do not use douches or deodorants on your vagina or penis
Do not wear tight underwear or tights

Source: NHS

