How you can enjoy the festive season without the hassles of winter colds playing havoc with your health

CHRISTMAS is a wonderful, fun time of year but it can also play absolute havoc with your health.

There are already winter colds circulating and soon we will be overindulging with food and booze, leaving us with gut issues.

Echinacea has been a popular herbal remedy for colds and has helped people strengthen their immune systems for centuries

And if that wasn’t enough, winter allergies will shortly raise their ugly heads.

Jane Atkinson looks at ways to help keep your health in check over the festive period.


ECHINACEA has been a popular herbal remedy for centuries.

It stimulates the immune system to be more effective in order to fight infection and the common cold and flu.

And there has been research to show that A Vogel’s Echinaforce, which is made up of 95 per cent echinacea purpurea herb and five per cent of the root, can help reduce viral load of Covid infections and lessen the symptoms to aid recovery.

The tests worked on both vaccinated and non-vaccinated adults.

The tablets are easy to take as they don’t have much taste.

Just give them a bit of a chew and you’re done.

It costs £4.99 for 42 tablets.

Well worth the money at this time of year!

For more information, see

Winter allergies

The VAX Blade 5 Dual Pet & Car Vacuum is currently on offer at £329.99 on the vax website

I ALWAYS thought allergies were worse in the spring and summer.

But winter can be just as problematic.

Mould and pollen on festive firs causes so many allergies, there is actually a name for it, Christmas tree syndrome.

It leads to wheezing, sneezing, coughing, sore eyes, and potentially serious asthma attacks.

Pets cause chaos too.

And guests can cause flare-ups.

Even if guests leave their pets at home, their clothes may be contaminated with pet dander – microscopic flecks of skin shed by animals – which can spread all over your house.

The new Vax Blade 5 Dual Pet & Car vacuum cleaner is a perfect solution.

It has a huge selection of tools to clean in every nook and cranny.

It’s normally £449.99 but is currently on offer at £329.99 at


Silicolgel is a drinkable gel that helps people suffering with things such as heartburn and a whole host of gut problems

SILICOLGEL is a gel that you drink if you are suffering from heartburn, reflux, vomiting, flatulence, abdominal pain, bowel discomfort, diarrhoea or IBS symptoms.

We can certainly suffer from some of these during the festive season.

It contains oxygen and the mineral silicon.

Together, they coat the stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract with a protective lining that acts like a magnet to bind toxins – and excess acid and gas – so the gastro­intestinal tract can function normally again and stop physical discomfort.

When the stomach empties, everything is simply passed through the body.


It costs £8.40 for 200ml or £10.49 for 12 x 15ml travel-sized sachets.

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