How to slash hundreds of calories from your favourite Starbucks and Pizza Express orders

A BIG part of socialising is eating out.

But if you’re on a ‘diet‘ then you might find it hard to go out and really enjoy the food you want without feeling guilty.

SUPPLIEDGraeme Tomlinson has revealed how you can still eat out and socialise without being stressed about what you consume[/caption]

However, one expert has revealed that you can still grab a coffee and a cake from Starbucks and enjoy treats at the cinema without completely being derailed.

Taking to Instagram, Graeme Tomlinson, known as The Fitness Chef, said socialising and eating out doesn’t have to be ‘catastrophic’ for our bodies.

He said: “No single food is detrimental to any goal.

“Instead, understanding portion size and regularity of consumption within the context of overall dietary intake is more logical.⁣”

Graeme said that in most cases, we socialise to connect with friends and family, adding that your food can be part of that experience without stress.

So if you’re heading out this week and you’re worried about what you’re going to consume, the expert said there are easy swaps you can make which won’t completely derail you.


If your go-to at Starbucks is a cinnamon swirl and a medium (venti) caramel macchiato with whole milk, then you’re looking at a whopping 809 calories.

Which if you’re a woman, is close to half of what the NHS recommends you consume every day, 2,000 calories for a woman and 2,500 for a man.

In order to still have the sweet treats though, Graeme said you can cut this down to 271 calories by swapping for a short (small) caramel macchiato with two per cent fat milk for 95 calories and a caramel waffle for 176 calories.

instagramThe Fitness Chef said you could easily reduce your Starbucks order by 538 by just opting for a caramel waffle and a smaller drink[/caption]

Cinema date

Many people take their own snacks to see the biggest blockbuster release.

But if you like to have the full cinema experience, it’s likely you’ll be tucking into treats there.

If you go for a large popcorn, two scoops of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream and a bag of skittles, then you’re looking at over 2,333 calories.

But if you trim this down a bit, opt for a small popcorn and just one tub of ice cream, then you’ll save yourself over 1,000 calories, with this option coming in at just 558 calories.

instagramIf you’re off to the cinema, the expert said you can cut over a 1,000 calories by just downsizing[/caption]

Pizza express

We all love a cheeky Pizza Express, especially if you’ve downloaded their app.

A classic order is likely to be a glass of coca cola, the American hot pizza and garlic bread on the side.

But this option will set you back 1,644 calories, and if you’re on a date, the garlic might also leave you a bit whiffy.

Graeme suggests instead opting for a lighter 638 option of coke zero and the leggera American hot pizza, which is essentially the same pizza with the centre cut out and filled with salad.

instagramGraeme said you can knock your Pizza Express order down by 1,006 calories by option for a leggera[/caption]

Office parties

It might always seems like it’s someone’s birthday or someone is leaving, prompting your colleagues to bring in cakes and treats.

You might pick at a couple of biscuits and have a cupcake or two, but Graeme said two of each is likely to set you back around 772 calories.

But you don’t have to ditch the snacks completely, and Graeme said you can still have them, but instead opt for just one choccie biscuit and one cupcake, coming in at around 386.

instagramOffice parties don’t need to derail your diet and Graeme said cutting your portion in half will still be satisfying[/caption]

Night out on the town

It’s Saturday night, so you’re heading out for a big one.

You’ve had a quick drink getting ready, one at the pub waiting for your mate and now you’re in a bar.

Before you know it you’ve sunk six gin and tonics and you’re ordering a large takeaway pizza on the way home, in the process adding 2,320 calories to your day.

Instead, the Fitness Chef said you should opt for six slimline gin and tonics – and rather than ordering a pizza when you get home, go straight to bed.

He added that food can be enjoyable without impairing your physical health.

Graeme said that sometimes, calorie excess is sometimes desired and that’s ok.

However he added that adjusting your intake either side of these goals is a smart way to reduce feelings of guilt in the long run.

instagramInstead of opting for a pizza at the end of a night out, going straight to bed is a better option, he said[/caption]  Read More 
