How to boost your liver health – from herbal elixirs to post-drinking kits

KICKING booze can help you sleep better, have more energy and improve your mental health.

Plus you save some cash and gain a sense of achievement.

This herbal elixir could stop you feeling drunk after a night

Going alcohol-free also helps your liver, which is regenerative and will heal itself in the long run.

Reducing your intake of sugar and processed food will help your liver health too.

And here are three other ways to ease pressure on your liver . . . 


FORMULATED over a 20-year period, de-liver-ance can quickly reduce blood toxins by 42 per cent to detox the liver.

It claims to be able to reverse and reduce the risk of fatty liver.

It contains a large list of potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory herbs, including seanol, which comes from algae, ginseng, astragalus and turmeric.

They are mixed with peppermint, honey and water.

It comes in individual 22ml bottles and you knock back up to three a day.

It is brown and it doesn’t taste great, with a minty, sludgy, herbal flavour, but it really does pick you up.

I took one on a night out and it definitely stopped me getting as drunk.

Another bottle perked me up the next morning.

I think it’s a great natural product.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that it costs £199 for 30 bottles.


GLUTATHIONE is a nutrient present in the liver, heart and virtually all cells in the body.

It helps eliminate toxins, plays an essential role in supporting immune health and is vital in building and repairing tissues.

This product gives you glutathione which is present in the liverAltrient

Great for those living in polluted cities.

It neutralises free radicals and reactivates vitamins C and E.

Standard oral glutathione products tend to be poorly absorbed but Altrient Liposomal Glutathione has cutting-edge technology so the maximum amount makes it through into the bloodstream.

It comes in a 450mg packet (handy to carry about) and you put it into water.

It doesn’t really mix very well but give it a bit of a stir and knock it back.

It isn’t offensive, it’s just a bit slimy. Worth the pain for the benefits.

Pricey but great. £94.96 for 30 sachets,


DESCRIBED as a hangover prevention product, Yeti & The Fox is designed for when you drink alcohol.

It consists of three capsules that are taken at different points of the evening.

Yeti & The Fox is designed to stop you from getting a hangover after a night

The tablets replenish your glutathione levels as you drink, boosting liver function and increasing energy.

It also contains the amino acid L-cysteine which, according to research, relieves alcohol-induced ailments such as nausea, headache and anxiety.

It works. I felt so much better after a night out than I normally would. My head was clearer, my stomach less hideous.

They’re really pricey and you could just buy the supplements – but they are convenient.

£3.99 for a sample pack with the three tablets,

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