How to apply for your child’s first passport

FAMILIES are looking forward to going on their summer holidays.

However, it is essential you manage to get your passport on time, but how do you get your child’s passport?

You can apply for passports online or by post

Who can apply for a child’s passport?

Someone with parental responsibility for the child must apply for the passport.

You need to give both parents’ details when you apply. If you cannot provide the other parent’s details, you need to say why.

What is the application process?

A child’s standard 34-page passport costs £53.50 if you order via the government website or £64 if you apply by paper form.

To apply online, you’ll need:

A digital photo of your child
Supporting documents, including birth certificate
A credit or debit card

Alternatively, you can apply by post by either:

Getting a paper form from a Post Office that offers the passport check and send service
Contacting the Passport Advice line to get a form posted to you

Applying by post costs an extra £9.50 and it may take longer to receive the passport.

After you’ve submitted the application, you’ll need to ask someone to confirm your child’s identity.

You can only confirm someone’s identity if you:

Are 18 or over
Live in the UK
Have a current UK passport
Have known the parent of the child whose passport is being processed for at least two years

You must work in a ‘recognised profession’, for example an accountant, nurse or social worker.

Signing the application

Someone with parental responsibility must sign the application form.

If your child is aged 12 to 15, they need to sign the form as well.

How long will it take to arrive?

A first passport will typically take around three weeks to arrive, but people are warned they should allow up to 10 weeks to receive it.

It may take longer at busier times, such as in the summer months.

How long will the passport last?

A child’s passport is valid for five years from the date it is issued – not 10 years as it is for adults.

When a child reaches 16 they should apply for a full adult passport.

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