How the damp summer weather has had a surprising impact on food sales

THE soggy summer has seen a boom in comfort food sales.

Pies and puddings are replacing burgers and bangers on the menu.

Tesco’s prepared food category director said that the miserable summer weather has prompted many shoppers to turn to comfort foodsAlamy

The SunFoods usually associated with winter months are seeing unusually high demand[/caption]

Frozen Yorkshire pudding sales shot up by nearly 80 per cent this month compared to the same time last year, Tesco figures show.

Gravy sales rose 60 per cent and pies 25 per cent.

Meanwhile many people have been craving sweet comforts with custard sales up by 40 per cent.

Traditional school dinner favourites spotted dick and jam roly-poly were also popular with sales jumping by 35 per cent.

Peter Bexton, Tesco’s prepared food category director, said yesterday: “This is the time of year when salads and barbecue foods usually top shopping lists but we are seeing unexpectedly high demand for foods normally associated with winter months.

“The miserable summer weather has prompted many shoppers to turn to comfort foods to cheer themselves up and chase away the rainy weather blues.”

After the hottest June on record, July has turned into a washout — just in time for the school holidays and staycation breaks.

Traditional games are proving popular as parents try to keep their children entertained indoors.

Sales of the Top Trivia card game are up by more than 140 per cent, while Uno is up 40 per cent.

Anne Borrett, toys manager at Tesco, said: “Kitchen table games have become unseasonal best sellers.”

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