WITH step aerobics making a comeback at trendy gyms, experts believe that many of the fitness and diet habits of the Nineties could help us live longer lives.
Go back a few decades and people were eating smaller portions, as well as walking more and sleeping better.
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Our waists were smaller and fewer of us were overweight.
In England, obesity rates have soared from 15 per cent in 1993 to 26 per cent in 2021. And in Scotland, they have gone up from 16 per cent in 1995 to 31 per cent in 2021.
This week Pip Black, the co-founder of London’s Frame fitness studio chain, said step had become a huge social media trend, adding it’s accessible to all shapes, sizes and fitness levels.
And weight-loss expert Dr Aishah Iqbal told Sun on Sunday Health that if we go back to living life like our grannies did — combined with the science of today — we could live to a ripe old age.
She said: “Fast food and quick convenience meals have grown substantially, replacing home-cooked foods. And there has also been a rise in snacking between meals.
“We are now more likely to take part in fewer activities and be less active during our leisure time, reducing the overall movement achieved.
“Taking a step back into the past and adopting habits of our grandparents, such as walking to and from work rather than taking transport, cooking a fresh, home-cooked meal and spending leisure time doing activities that keep us moving, can all help towards us feeling healthier and happier.
“Science has really progressed since the Nineties. Our life expectancy has increased and our hearts are healthier.
“So combine these Nineties habits with today’s technology and you could make a real difference to your longevity — and have fun at the same time.”
Here, we look at the Nineties habits that can help your health . . .
Old-school ways to keep healthy
YOUTUBE fitness sensation Lucy Wyndham-Read says: “These 90s-style workouts are excellent for keeping in shape as they include a lot of multi-compound moves such as star jumps.
“They work your full body and are good for joints, too.
“You use big muscles in your legs which strengthens the cardiovascular system, and it also tones your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves.
“A step or aerobics class is also good for the mind.
“The workouts are often quite complex and you’d need to concentrate to pick up the moves.”
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Statistics from the International Longevity Centre found we walk less than we did in the 90s.
The average number of trips per person fell from 1,074 in 1999 to 862 in 2023 – possibly because we shop more online, commute less and make fewer business trips nowadays
Lucy says: “You don’t need to run marathons or climb mountains, just be as active as possible.
“Even if you have a break at work, try to get up and do 1,000 steps.”
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Too little time resting is associated with a raft of health issues, including heart disease and depression.
In 1995, one study found 24.4 per cent of adults got less than six hours of kip a night, by 2012 this rose to 29.2 per cent.
Sleep expert Dr Neil Stanley told Sun on Sunday Health: “A few people might have stayed up late playing video games in the 90s, but now we all have phones to use, can shop late online and there is always ‘one more episode’ to watch on demand.
“Less sleep has a negative impact on our physical and mental health.”
Biscuits are 17 per cent bigger, a chicken pie is 40 per cent bigger and a family bag of crisps is 50 per cent larger than it was back in 1993.
According to Diabetes UK, even the average bagel has grown in size by 24 per cent and a chicken curry frozen ready meal has grown by 50 per cent.
Nutritionist Amanda Ursell says: “Quite simply, we are eating more and that means more calories, fat, sugar and carbohydrates – all of which is bad for our weight and health.”
Scientists at the University of Cambridge found the size of wine glasses has doubled since the 90s.
In 1990, the average glass held around 230ml. By the Noughties it held 449ml.
Amanda adds: “Most wine is also stronger than it was in the 90s when it had an ABV of around 10 per cent.
“Now it might be as high as 13 or 14 per cent.”
Chartered psychologist Dr Louise Goddard-Crawley says: “The 90s was a less digitally saturated era and fostered genuine human connections with fewer distractions.
“Face-to-face interactions cultivated community bonds, fostering mindfulness and reducing stress.
“The slower information flow facilitated mental clarity while outdoor activities promoted physical and mental wellbeing.
“Adopting this into modern life could boost mental wellbeing in today’s digitally overwhelming world.”
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Amanda says: “Coffee shops were much less common back in the 90s.
“And if you walk in for a coffee and a cake you can probably consume more calories than you did for lunch.”