How hot does it have to be for schools to close in the UK and what can you do if your child is sent home early?

TEMPERATURES are set to soar across the UK reaching highs of 30C over the next few days – but the summer holidays are not quite here yet.

So with the kids still at school and the six-week break a little way off what does it mean for schools when the weather heats up?

Concentration levels can dip in the classroom when the temperature rises

Trying to stay focused in a stuffy workplace is tough, and it is the same applies in the classroom.

Children are sometimes advised to stay at home when there is bad weather, but just how hot does a classroom have to be before lessons are cancelled and the kids are sent home?

How hot does it need to be to cancel school in the UK?

Schools follow the same rules as workplaces – this means there is a minimum temperature but no maximum temperature which would lead to a closure.

In guidance, the Health and Safety Executive says: “During working hours, the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings shall be reasonable.”

This means employers and schools have to provide “clean, fresh air”.

They also have to keep temperatures at a comfortable level – this however is open to interpretation.

Guidance suggests taking measures such as opening windows and doors, but rising temperatures doesn’t mean pupils will get the day off.

Decisions are usually made by the schools individually and some could choose to relax the uniform.

Things like removing ties and blazers might be permitted to help battle the heat.

There’s also no legal limit to class size – children between five and seven have a maximum class size of 30 – but it can affect the indoor temperature if more people occupy one room.

The National Union of Teachers said special measures should be put in place to reduce temperatures as soon as staff complain about feeling uncomfortable.

A report stated: “If in doubt, 26C should be used as the trigger for these measures.

“Other steps may also need to be considered such as closing classrooms which are unacceptably hot and teaching classes elsewhere, or even sending pupils home, provided reasonable notice has been given to parents.”

Parents should also make sure their kids are well equipped in a heatwave, with a hat and sunscreen if they are likely to be playing outdoors.

What are my rights if my child is sent home because it’s too hot?

Employees do not have a statutory right to be paid in the event that they have an emergency day off with their children.

This can vary and some companies might offer paid time off to staff as a perk, so it is worth checking.

But if school is shut down, parents are usually entitled to unpaid time off to look after the children.

During a heatwave in 2013, school teachers called for maximum legal temperatures to be set in classrooms over fears that it was too hot for the kids.

At the time, general secretary of the NASUWT teaching union Chris Keates said heatwave temperatures make pupils lethargic, affect concentration and can lead to fainting.

The union called for a maximum classroom temperature of 30C – which would see kids sent home if thermometers rose above this level.

However, the law remains unchanged – and, as with term-time holidays, you could get into trouble for keeping your kids off school in the heatwave.

What should you do during a heatwave?

It is advised to drink a lot of water in order to stay hydrated during the hot spell.

Keeping a bottle of sunscreen with you to soak up those UV rays is also highly advisable as is ensuring you have a hat to prevent sunstroke.

Don’t head out during the hottest hours of the day either if you can avoid it – this is usually from around 11am to 4pm.

Trying to find shade or breezy spots during these times will be your best bet.

If you’re working in an office during the hottest days of the year, read up on your rights and the best tips for surviving in sweltering indoor heat.

You might be using your fan all wrong and making your room even hotter.

Some gadgets could be pushing up your energy bill in a heatwave – here’s how to save.


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