House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed With Blood Cancer

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise has announced that he had been diagnosed with a “very treatable blood cancer.”

The cancer was discovered after Scalise said he experienced “a few days of not feeling like myself this past week.”

A test from his doctor uncovered some irregularities, and after undergoing additional tests, he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, which he said is “a very treatable blood cancer.”

“I have now begun treatment, which will continue for the next several months,” Scalise wrote on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “I expect to work through this period and intend to return to Washington, continuing my work as Majority Leader and serving the people of Louisiana’s First Congressional District.”

After a few days of not feeling like myself this past week, I had some blood work done. The results uncovered some irregularities and after undergoing additional tests, I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a very treatable blood cancer.

I have now begun treatment, which will…

— Steve Scalise (@SteveScalise) August 29, 2023

Scalise added, “I am incredibly grateful we were able to detect this early and that this cancer is treatable. I am thankful for my excellent medical team, and with the help of God, support of my family, friends, colleagues, and constituents, I will tackle this with the same strength and energy as I have tackled past challenges.”

A radical leftist shot and injured the congressman during a Congressional baseball game in June 2017.

“That incident led to a long road to recovery: Scalise underwent multiple surgeries and blood transfusions after the bullet that struck his left hip traveled across his pelvis, fracturing bones, injuring internal organs, and causing severe bleeding,” NPR reports.

Scalise represents Louisiana’s 1st Congressional District. He was elected in 2008 and has remained consistently popular with his constituents.

The post House Majority Leader Steve Scalise Diagnosed With Blood Cancer appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

