House Judiciary Demands Matthew Colangelo Turn Over Documents Related to His Hiring to “Jump Start” Alvin Bragg’s Garbage Indictment of President Trump

On Friday the House Judiciary “invited” Matthew Colangelo, Senior Counsel to New York County District Attorney’s Office, to appear before a transcribed interview.

Colangelo was hired in December 2022 to target Trump and manufacture charges against the Republican president.

As TGP’s Joe Hoft wrote previously, The real culprit behind the “get Trump” radicals in New York is the corrupt, newly hired, former Obama-Biden DOJ attorney named Matt Colangelo.

Attorney Mike Davis unloaded Colangelo’s name along with Steve Bannon on the War Room.

Davis noted that Matt Colangelo is the link between the Biden DOJ and DA Bragg in their corrupt acts in targeting and putting together a BS indictment against President Trump. This guy was in the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ and appears to have been brought in to indict President Trump on whatever he could come up with.

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This is a great example of how Obama destroyed the US DOJ and made it anti-American, biased, and corrupt.

Davis and Bannon dissected the corrupt actor pushing anti-American full woke actions in the corrupt DOJ now working with Bragg, Colangelo.

Colangelo was one of the first corrupt actors brought into Biden’s DOJ in a top position. This is the guy who acted with others to indict the likes of Americans who were praying outside of abortion clinics.

According to the House Judiciary Committee, Colangelo has taken part in numerous witch hunt investigations into President Trump. Colangelo was hired to “jump start” Alvin Bragg’s unprecedented garbage indictment against President Trump earlier this week.

Colangelo, a former Biden DOJ official and senior attorney at the New York Attorney General’s Office, has previously taken part in multiple investigations into President Trump and was reportedly hired to “jump start” Bragg’s stalled investigation into President Trump.

— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) April 7, 2023

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The Federalist reported:

On Friday, House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent a letter to Manhattan DA Senior Counsel Matthew Colangelo, shared with The Federalist, requesting a transcribed interview. According to the New York Times in December, Colangelo was hired four months ago to “jump start” Bragg’s Trump investigations after years spent going after the former president at both the Department of Justice and the New York attorney general’s office.

“Given your history of working for law-enforcement entities that are pursuing President Trump and the public reporting surrounding your decision to work for the New York County District Attorney’s Office, we request your cooperation with our oversight in your personal capacity,” Jordan wrote.

Trump pled not guilty at the historic arraignment Tuesday against a 34-count felony indictment carrying a maximum 136-year prison sentence. The charges stem from 2016 hush-money payments to porn actress Stormy Daniels in a case prosecutors previously declined to pursue. The weak nature of the case has led a dozen liberal law professors and Trump antagonists to call the prosecution a dead end.

The House Judiciary chairman reminded Colangelo of Congress’s authority to probe the Manhattan DA’s office after Bragg has spent weeks resisting lawmakers’ oversight requests. Fox News reported Wednesday the back and forth has led the Committee to consider issuing formal subpoenas for Bragg’s office. On Thursday, lawmakers pulled the trigger on a subpoena for Mark Pomerantz, a former prosecutor under Bragg who resigned last year over slow progress on efforts to arrest Trump.

The post House Judiciary Demands Matthew Colangelo Turn Over Documents Related to His Hiring to “Jump Start” Alvin Bragg’s Garbage Indictment of President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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