In a shocking and horrifying incident, an Israeli girl named Mor Bayder discovered the brutal murder of her grandmother in the most unimaginable way. The terrorist organization Hamas not only took the life of an innocent elderly woman but also posted a disturbing video of the crime on the victim’s own Facebook account. This is how the family found out about the tragedy.
Mor Bayder, the granddaughter, took to social media to share a poignant tribute to her late grandmother, who was a lifelong resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz.
In her emotional post, Bayder described her grandmother as “the light of my life, my whole world.”
“The pillar of my life, in my family’s life,” she wrote. “My grandmother, a resident of Kibbutz Nir Oz all her life, was murdered yesterday in a brutal murder by a terrorist in her home.”
Source: Mor Bayder/Facebook
Source: Mor Bayder/Facebook
The details of the incident are as shocking as they are heartbreaking. Bayder revealed that the family found out about the murder when the terrorist who killed her grandmother took her phone, filmed the heinous act, and then posted it on her private Facebook account.
“Seven in the morning, I saw the nightmare of my life,” Bayder wrote. “A terrorist came home to her, killed her, took her phone, filmed the horror and published it on her Facebook wall. This is how we found out.”
Bayder’s grandmother was a pillar of her community, known for her kindness and dedication to her kibbutz. Bayder spoke of the daily routine her grandmother had, cycling to the commune every morning to wash and fold the clothes of the kibbutz members, and returning in the afternoon to tend to her beloved garden.
Source: Mor Bayder/Facebook
Source: Mor Bayder/Facebook
The loss has left Bayder and her family in a state of incomprehensible grief. “My heart is shattered to pieces,” she wrote. “Who am I without you? I’m not willing to talk about you in the past, it’s a nightmare of my life.”
In an interview with an Israeli news outlet, Bayder detailed the horrifying moment when the family discovered the video.
“When we got out, my aunt called my mom, frantically, ‘open Facebook, open Facebook.’ Mom couldn’t open it at all. She was trembling.”
“I opened it from my phone and I saw, like the worst you could possibly imagine. My grandma was on the floor in her house, being murdered in a video. The entire floor was covered in blood, and my grandma was lying there.
“The terrorist just took her private phone, filmed her, and uploaded it to her private Facebook wall. That’s how we found out. That’s how we learned about it, we screamed at the top of our lungs. Everyone here just lost it. We screamed, screamed, it was the most horrible thing you could ever imagine and ran through your head. It just doesn’t leave us even now. It won’t leave us for the rest of our lives.”
Israeli girls says she found out Hamas had murdered her grandmother because the terrorists had taken her grandmother’s phone, live-streamed the murder and posted it on the grandmother’s Facebook wall
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) October 9, 2023
The post Horrifying Revelation: Israeli Girl Learns of Grandmother’s Murder After Hamas Posted Disturbing Video on Victim’s Own Facebook Account (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.