Hope of cancer breakthrough as ‘groundbreaking pill’ annihilates ALL solid tumours in early study

Scientists have created a “holy grail” drug that eradicates all solid cancer tumours while leaving other cells unaffected.

Known as AOH1996, it targets a protein found in cancers which helps tumours grow and multiply.

It is hoped the research will now help millions of cancer sufferersGetty

Previously, the protein –  the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) – was thought to be untreatable.

The new drug was tested on 70 different cancer cells in the lab – including those derived from breast, prostate, brain, ovarian and cervical – and worked against them all.

The achievement is the culmination of 20 years of research and development by the City of Hope Hospital in Los Angeles, one of America’s largest cancer centres.

It is hoped the research will now help millions of cancer sufferers. 

Professor Linda Malkas, who has been developing the drug, explained: “PCNA is like a major airline terminal hub containing multiple plane gates.

“Data suggests PCNA is uniquely altered in cancer cells, and this fact allowed us to design a drug that targeted only the form of PCNA in cancer cells.

“Our cancer-killing pill is like a snowstorm that closes a key airline hub, shutting down all flights in and out only in planes carrying cancer cells.”

While initial results are promising, the studies so far have only concluded that AOH1996 can suppress tumour growth in cell and animal models.

The first phase of a clinical trial in humans now under way.

Study co-author associate research professor Dr Long Gu, added: “Now that we know the problem area and can inhibit it, we will dig deeper to understand the process to develop more personalised, targeted cancer medicines.” : 

The 13 cancer symptoms

WE’RE often told that catching cancer in its early stages can hugely increase chances of recovery and even survival.

But what are the red flag symptoms you should be looking out for?

1, Unexplained pain 

2. Very heavy night sweats

3. Unexplained weight loss

4. Unusual lump or swelling

5. Fatigue

6. Skin changes

7. Difficulty swallowing

8. Digestive issues

9. Croaky voice, persistent cough or breathlessness

10. Changes in your poo or pee

11. Unexplained bleeding or blood

12. Mouth ulcer or patch that won’t heal

13. Unusual breast changes

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